Listen up!!! This is plain as day!!!Pick one or the other.Somewhere like Ikea, maybe!...does it have rice buckets that churn out infinite amounts of rice?No, it doesn't!!!Don't expand on that!!!So they have everything....misjudging my course of action.That's your problem!!?Somehow, I get the feeling...OmphNomchWhat do I...lessee. First off...It's gross.FwipSpicyIn Japanese "salty" is basically a variation of "spicy".SweetAs my seniors, what do you two think?Stop orderin' anmitsu with oden....that recently, I've been...How can you say no to the "Sanae Special"?!!Arrrgh'The heck would they sell that?WowwwSo this "Ikea" place...Okay, let's say you have a sweet-meter that measures sweetness and saltiness!