Toilet Freshener Yoshika
The characters used in Yoshika's name are also the first two characters of the word "芳香剤", meaning an aromatic (air freshener).What's the matter, Yoshika?I've been thinking about it for a while, but since I can't beat her in a fair fight anyway...I might as well fool her and push through!!SheeeenYou're shivering so much... do you need to go to the toilet?Y... yes!
That's right!I'm Yoshika!
Yoshika-chan, well-suited to a toilet!StraightNew and improved Yoshika freshener with the fragrance of corpses!Don't lie!Hold it right there, you liar!!Hop hopGeh!
She got here already!?It's not a lie!
I really sort of need to go to the toilet!GnawChomp
Noff daht pawwt! (Not that part)ChompGnaw