Upfront & Hot-tempered
(Su-cool + Hot-tempered)(slightly) extended eyelashes.
This can also be translated as "(slightly) big (breasts)."
She doesn't smell bad, rather like lavenderYounger SisterSkinny & Flat-chestedShe has an imaginary character setting of herself, like this: "I'm taken over by The Power of Darkness in the gloom place, blah-blah-blah..."Actually I haven't seen silverfishes.Older SisterCool & Blunt
Su-coolStandard & Classic Style CreeparkaEighth grade Disease
(aka Teenage Angst)
ChuunibyouSkinny, but Perky*growl*!I love the naughty!
Or, "I love sex!"Temporally assume that she is left-handed, okay?This isn't a scrunchy, it's her panties.No bust.Cool-dereクーデレ(cool-dere) is often regarded as the equivalent of Su-cool.A Yandere-ish little girlHuh? Slime? I donno.Small bust
貧乳Zap!She is often saying "zap! zap!" in small areas.
It's so annoying. I sometimes come to blows over her.No bust.diamond blockShe is an emo.Crunch, crunchWhizz-rustle!!!Moving quickly.
"シュババババ~"Plump Body ShapeSomething waist-pouch-likeYummy!Zap!
デュクシ (Dyukushi) is an onomatopoeia for beating someone. See also its Nicopedia article(JP).
In this case, it means the sound of projecting arrows.Find a blue spider spawn block, and you'll be overjoyed at loli gangs!Sometimes she does something silly with skeletons.
"助さん (Suke-san)" means skeletons.OhmuStandard sized breasts, no bra.