Artist's commentary
Mai: "So~rry, I was late..."
Yukko: "Mai-chan, you're so slow! *bitter laugh*"
Mio: "..."
Mai: "I tried to get out of remedial lessons, but the teacher found me." *Mai'd*
Yukko: "Just be the failure-toting Mai-chan, for the moment."
Mai: "You know, I tried to blame it on being young anyway."
Yukko: "That's what I was just saying a minute ago!"
Mai: "I see." *lick*
Mio: "What."
Nano: "Oy, Maippe! Geez, yer always, ALWAYS so late all deh time."
Mai: "So~rry, Nanocchi☆... Ahh, a scratch on your cheek! Another fight?"
Nano: "Yeah, he wouldn't leave me 'lone."
Mai: "You mustn't do this, because you're a combat robot, Nanocchi, and you can just crush your training partner, right?"
Nano: "Of course I won't, wut wit' a wild geezer like dat fer a trainin' partner, gotcha?"
Mio: "Wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha????"
Following Nichijou #92 (AKA, "Wanyūdō"), volume 6, page 35.
While I was initially eager to see it in the anime adaptation, that world's gap-moé* strike was a frustrated Zundoko that struck while it was still fresh in memory.[translator's note: this entire sentence was nigh-incomprehensible to me; check the translation, please.]
A brainiac Yukko and an energetic duncehead Mai-chan, I really wanted to see that.
Because this was originally a trio-only episode (Trump Tower or manga assistance) before Nano-chan joined up, then surely Nano-chan would have been different as well.
Something was off about everyone, in Chan-Mio's dream. About the Nano-chan of that dream, her personality would surely be...
...er, well, this is just one feeling about it.
As a brief aside, that cigarette that Nano-chan is munching on is a... "KOOL NANO 8mg". lol
*[translator's note: according to my research, gap-moé is a Japanese term that references how one's image of a person differs from the reality of that person, but you find the difference (the gap) to be moé.]