1獣耳 "Animal Ears"
The text is written to mimic serial numbers and letters assigned to industrial or governmental bases to keep track of them. The text however, can be pronounced the same way the famous term "獣耳" (kemonomimi) is:
K=Ke ケ (Reduce the vowel stress on the syllable "ke" (け) and it will sound similar to letter K within words)
mo=mo モ (No explanation required)
-=no ノ (The "-" dash symbol is pronounced "no" (の) in Japanese often.
3=mi ミ ("mi" (み) is one of the traditional ways to pronounce the number 3 in Japanese)
3=mi ミ (See above)
Boarding Gate #32← Uho! Ii otoko
← Hey! Stop! Wait!
→ Rabbit-ear Paradise
→ Dog-ear HeavenYou pursue terrible beauties of fear and hope. Your friends cannot help you.
It's in English, but very small and hard to read.