Artist's commentary
Metroid Hunter- Colors
Armor Suit Samus
Spent unfathomable number of hours coloring this monstrosity (hunter). Ridley, in particular, took an insane amount of time coloring and maintaining the scaly texture of a wyvern. I'm just glad this is all done with. =_=
Linework and original description can be found here: [link]
This was done for the metroid-club contest. Samus Aran and Ridley, reinvisioned in the Monster Hunter universe-- armor sets, monster-design, belt-buckles, bowguns, and all. Does it look MH enough?
Coloring time: 10+ hours on this weekend alone with at least another 7+ throughout the past week. Colored with a mouse. I need to speed up my digital coloring.
As always, comments and critiques are very much appreciated! Perhaps a fullview is worth it to see the detail. Also, critiques are appreciated on Samus's armorset design. Does she look Monster Hunter enough? I'm open to suggestions and do take into account the feedback.
Artwork belongs to me. Ask permission before use.
Metroid belongs to Nintendo, and Monster Hunter belongs to Capcom.