Artist's commentary
Prinny Multitude
I decided I needed to make a christmas present for Jo, my co-worker and generally grand guy that works with me on Owlboy and whatever else we feel like doing.
It wasn't difficult to figure out what do make. The guy has a slight fascination with a certain game series you could say, and I thought it would be fun to emulate the artstyle. PERFECT!
Took about two days to complete. The picture was already clear in my head from the start. The real time consumer was drawing all those Prinnies in the background. Couldn't skip on detail since I was planning for it to be a poster.
Actually surprised how close I got it to the look of the actual games. (not bad for never having played any of the games .-. ). Hopefully, I won't get randomly sued here. I was planning on making the scarf a Slytherin pattern since it would make it more Jo-esque, but I decided to keep it as Prinny...y... as possible.
So Merry Christmas! Now to draw something that doesn't contain demon penguins!