Long time no see! Or pleased to meet you, as it may be. I'm Kikuichi Monji. Come to think of it, I didn't write a single word here last time, did I. (´∀`;)
This is the second Keine-Moko Bulging book. I finished it with no trouble...I guess? The first book ended up all 4-panel strips about Keine and Mokou, so I got the cooperation of the Eientei folks for the second book! .... Wh-huh? Everyone at Eientei seems to keep standing out more than (etc.)
Just my imagination.←
This time, I tried making it a standard manga instead of 4-panel strips. Keine ended up a whole lot grosser than I expected... to my chagrin. OTZ That is my only regret.... In return, I tried adding in some love-love elements!!!!! Embarrassed Moko-tan makes me crush - so - hard... (((*˚∀˚*))) Everyone should draw more of this!
This manga's pretty half-assed, but I still hope you enjoy it. Later!!!