*ba-thump!*W-W-... Woah da ze......*Sniffle**Taaaaaaa-dah!*Oh, Marisa*Jump!*Marisa... ♥Hey there, you fuckin' ass!*Sigh*...Great success!!And they all lived pissily ever after!
Seems to be a play on the traditional phrase for ending stories, combining part of that phrase with the phrase meaning "peeing". I'm sure there's a more elegant way of carrying over the pun.Boing boing boing~ Butt drive!your justiceToday you're even more buttfaced.Recently a doppelganger of me has been roaming around showing its ass...remote existenceI've got to stop it.*Spshhhhhhh*Hey, don'tcha cry!Now we're even!*Trickle...*Ah...*Ba-thump* ♡*Splaaaaaaaash*Poor thing, I'd hate to be her...Is that it!?It looks nothing like me, yet it takes my name!Who... who is this looney?Marisa! This girl's head is wonky, but her butt is what's really weird!She's got nothing close to Kirisame Marisa's ass!