*panicking*Witch's clawHeheheheWhen it comes to this...*tremble*Our attacks are completely ineffective against this witch!We got no other choiceNow then, all of you cry out "I-love-you-so-much-QB-Flash"!Witch's clawThat's amazing, Homura! I've never thought of that. Although its exterior was sturdy, its interior was fragile, huh.Eh heh hehWhat should we do, Homura...?Use the combination magic!What will you do, Sayaka!With this...You did it!BOOOOOOM!When it comes to this, you'll just have to use THAT. It's time for the five of you to...I have an idea, Madoka.Witch's clawWhile stopping the time, I went there to put in a large amount of bombs through its mouth.*smiles*You guys are always like that, never listening to me. I just don't get it.