

Categories: All, New, General, Tags, Bugs & Features

Title Status Creator Updated by Updated at
create alias collar_pull -> collar_tug approved Admiral Pectoral DanbooruBot
Handgun/revolver implications approved Red Terror DanbooruBot
imply apple_pie -> pie approved The Bob DanbooruBot
Watermelon bar utility alias approved user 893647 DanbooruBot
Weapon name alias and standardization (MP9) approved Red Terror DanbooruBot
Missing Kalashnikov rifle and light machine gun implications approved Red Terror DanbooruBot
Request Username change approved Ulette Ulette
alias dripping_halo -> melting_halo approved The Bob DanbooruBot
puffy_anus -> puckered_anus approved user 781002 is gone MyrMindservant
Fixing D-Boy (Tekkaman Blade tagging) approved HeeroWingZero DanbooruBot
create alias dog_walking -> pet_walking approved Admiral Pectoral DanbooruBot
rename vocaloid songs approved magcolo DanbooruBot
Behind back tag aliasing/merging approved Red Terror nonamethanks
alias tea_whisk -> chasen approved The Bob DanbooruBot
Imply heart_brooch -> heart approved santinetka DanbooruBot
Submachine gun implications approved Red Terror nonamethanks
X-Digimon names and some other ones to the original Japanese. approved Chaos11 DanbooruBot
Name update: Fpesu to Nisokurui approved luntoer DanbooruBot
HoneyWorks song rename"Lens Goshi no Keshiki" (romanization typo) approved Red Terror DanbooruBot
rename coupe -> coupe_(heartcatch_precure!) approved The Bob DanbooruBot