
X-Digimon names and some other ones to the original Japanese.

Posted under Tags

BUR #16833 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias duftmon_x -> duftmon_x-antibody
create alias dynasmon_x -> dynasmon_x-antibody
create alias ulforceveedramon -> ulforcev-dramon
create alias ulforceveedramon_x -> ulforcev-dramon_x-antibody
create alias ulforcevdramon_x -> ulforcev-dramon_x-antibody
create alias dukemon_x -> dukemon_x-antibody
create alias magnamon_x -> magnamon_x-antibody
create alias blackwargreymon_x -> blackwargreymon_x-antibody
create alias wargreymon_x -> wargreymon_x-antibody
create alias blackmetalgarurumon -> metalgarurumon_(black)
create alias calumon -> culumon

The current western Digimon TCG uses the full denomination "X-Antibody" instead of only "X".

I know some of these tags don't exist, but I thought this site could make these aliasing in advance in the case that in the future someone would upload an image and tag it with the localized names, would not be strange to it to happen since Bandai still uses different names for the west to this day.

Chaos11 said:

I know some of these tags don't exist, but I thought this site could make these aliasing in advance in the case that in the future someone would upload an image and tag it with the localized names, would not be strange to it to happen since Bandai still uses different names for the west to this day.

Aliases for empty tags get removed automatically by a weekly pruner, so it's pointless to make them in advance if there's no posts for them.

That said, unless I'm blind, all of these tags have posts.