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Title Status Creator Updated by Updated at
alias tea_whisk -> chasen approved The Bob DanbooruBot
Imply heart_brooch -> heart approved santinetka DanbooruBot
Submachine gun implications approved Red Terror nonamethanks
X-Digimon names and some other ones to the original Japanese. approved Chaos11 DanbooruBot
Name update: Fpesu to Nisokurui approved luntoer DanbooruBot
HoneyWorks song rename"Lens Goshi no Keshiki" (romanization typo) approved Red Terror DanbooruBot
rename coupe -> coupe_(heartcatch_precure!) approved The Bob DanbooruBot
Welt Yang approved tensepelican DanbooruBot
Rename dominion -> dominion_(manga) approved Nameless Contributor DanbooruBot
Hua Po "Alias" approved Unbreakable DanbooruBot
alias penis_gag -> dildo_gag approved nonamethanks DanbooruBot
alias knight_(basedbinkie) -> flayne_(basedbinkie) approved POLTATO DanbooruBot
alias stomach_peek -> midriff_peek approved The Bob DanbooruBot
Alias clothes_gagged to clothes_gag approved h1262216 h1262216
Deprecate underskirt approved Mexiguy DanbooruBot
Alias moneybag -> money_bag approved baconmeh2 DanbooruBot
English aliases for Rune Factory characters approved user 932445 DanbooruBot
Deprecate empty approved Red Terror DanbooruBot
Alias feruru approved Cattywampus DanbooruBot
imply longevity_peach_bun -> baozi approved Obst DanbooruBot