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Title Status Creator Updated by Updated at
Update Bofuri character tags to their full names rejected JBHUTT09 DanbooruBot
Rename artist tag svveet->svveetberry rejected ShujiMikami DanbooruBot
remove implication tank -> motor_vehicle rejected ion288 DanbooruBot
Changing touhou tag to full name page 2 rejected Login to view DanbooruBot
suna_no_wakusei_(vocaloid) -> vocaloid rejected nonamethanks evazion
create alias chest_rig -> load_bearing_vest plus discussion on load_bearing_equipment rejected nanashi3 DanbooruBot
add alias: rozen5 -> sankuro rejected hasu no kougeki DanbooruBot
anata-chan (love live!) rejected hasu no kougeki DanbooruBot
bremerton implication rejected nonamethanks evazion
long sword and longsword rejected Nacha DanbooruBot
Clothing -> Clothes rejected klorpa DanbooruBot
create implication crucifixion -> crucifix rejected AltTranslationAccount nonamethanks
Tag alias: scowl -> frown rejected MarqFJA87 blindVigil
miruko -> usagiyama_rumi rejected user 11314 DanbooruBot
Is a sakazuki really a cup? rejected Arcana55 evazion
vFlower rejected luntoer evazion
fruit_sando -> fruit_sandwich rejected 朝子 evazion
Alias "ass pillow" to "head on ass" rejected nonamethanks nonamethanks
bound vs restrained rejected Arcana55 iridescent slime
Implication liquid_ocelot -> revolver_ocelot rejected baconmeh2 evazion