
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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ehh said:

I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but certain redirects don't preserve output format suffixes, e.g.

Those are intentional. Those particular endpoints were removed because they were basically a duplication of function already served by more comprehensive endpoints.

I upgraded to a Gold account and yet I still see searched pages that have far less images than other pages. Is this intentional? Is there some sort of setting I need to change? It's weird going from one page with like 18 images to another with 7.

Tarage said:

I upgraded to a Gold account and yet I still see searched pages that have far less images than other pages. Is this intentional? Is there some sort of setting I need to change? It's weird going from one page with like 18 images to another with 7.

The search results automatically hide deleted posts. You can see both approved and deleted posts by adding status:any in your search. This is not a Danbooru Gold feature.

Tarage said:

I upgraded to a Gold account and yet I still see searched pages that have far less images than other pages. Is this intentional? Is there some sort of setting I need to change? It's weird going from one page with like 18 images to another with 7.

You can also enable the deleted posts filter in your user settings to fill the empty spots with more posts from the next page, but makes searches a bit slower and can cause them to time out.

evazion said:

  • Uploads: Fix DeviantArt uploads not working. DeviantArt has been making changes on their end lately, so this could break again.

Still broken with the same pic, and actually hitting submit gives me "An error occurred: error: NoMethodError - undefined method `hostname' for nil:NilClass".

Site update

  • Members can now rename, delete, and undelete wiki pages and artist entries.
  • Wiki pages now give a warning when you rename a wiki and the old wiki is still linked to from other wikis.
  • Renaming a wiki that still has posts now just gives you a warning. Previously it gave an error and made you confirm the rename.
  • Video with sound posts now loop by default. Previously looping was disabled for these posts.
  • Moved the login page to /login and renamed "sign in" in the menu bar to "login" for consistency.
  • Replaced the "The database timed out running your query" error page with a new page that better explains what these errors mean.
  • IP ban actions on the /mod_actions page are now visible to mods only.
  • Fixed the batch bookmarklet not working correctly for recent Tumblr posts.
  • Fixed a broken link to help:tags on the /tags page.
  • Fixed /favorites.json and /artists/banned.json not redirecting to the .json endpoint.

Full changelog:

The Recommendation feature doesn't work at the moment. It throws this error:


undefined local variable or method `rsponse' for RecommenderService:Module Did you mean? response

NameError exception raised
app/logical/recommender_service.rb:22:in `recommend_for_user'
app/logical/recommender_service.rb:59:in `search'
app/controllers/recommended_posts_controller.rb:6:in `index'

bipface said:

What's the status on testbooru ?
I haven't been able to load it for a few weeks now… seems to have lost its DNS records?:

It's back up. I took it down to do some server migrations.

Lacrimosa said:

Uploading from deviantArt is still a pain.

DeviantArt now requires us to be logged in to scrape the download url, but they have captchas to prevent automated logins. Dealing with this is going to be difficult.

evazion said:

It's back up. I took it down to do some server migrations.

DeviantArt now requires us to be logged in to scrape the download url, but they have captchas to prevent automated logins. Dealing with this is going to be difficult.

I see. That's quite a bummer but at least it's still possible to use the image URL per se.

Site update

  • User feedbacks are now soft-deleted instead of hard-deleted. Only mods can delete feedbacks. Deleted feedbacks will be visible only to mods.
  • Changed approver inactivity thresholds. Now approvers must have at least 30 approvals over the last 45 days or their approval privileges will be revoked. Previously it was 10 approvals in the last 90 days. Mods are exempt from this.
  • Removed "no flagging" and "no feedback" user permissions.
  • Fixed undeletions of old posts outside the 90 day window (now 45 days) not counting towards approver activity thresholds.

Full changelog:

evazion said:

Site update

  • User feedbacks are now soft-deleted instead of hard-deleted. Only mods can delete feedbacks. Deleted feedbacks will be visible only to mods.
  • Changed approver inactivity thresholds. Now approvers must have at least 30 approvals over the last 45 days or their approval privileges will be revoked. Previously it was 10 approvals in the last 90 days. Mods are exempt from this.
  • Removed "no flagging" and "no feedback" user permissions.
  • Fixed undeletions of old posts outside the 90 day window (now 45 days) not counting towards approver activity thresholds.

Full changelog:

Seems mildly broke. Is this a custom CSS error?

Have been getting this error when trying to view images for the past several minutes. Thought to ask here about it.

ActionView::Template::Error exception raised
app/helpers/posts_helper.rb:56:in `post_view_count_js'
app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:33:in `show'

Not entirely sure what's up with that.