
Ribbon thighhighs?

Posted under General

I've noticed the extreme prevalence of the legwear tags makes it a little difficult to narrow down the results to ribbon-trimmed legwear. A lot of results will come up of characters with ribbon-trimmed sleeves who wear thighhighs without a ribbon trim. I figure we can have some ribbon-trimmed* tags as with the many lace-trimmed* examples, though not quite so many. We can narrow it down to these categories, and implicate ribbon_trim:

ribbon-trimmed_clothing (at the ends of dresses, shirts, skirts, etc. besides the sleeves)
ribbon-trimmed_ornament (for garters, hair ornaments, etc.: what should be used on a garter attached to legwear is a question mark for me, though)


Provence said:

Well, ribbon-trimmed legwear are nearly always thighhighs.

Mostly, but there's over 20 legitimate examples here:
ribbon-trimmed_legwear kneehighs

I can hardly find anything that's not thighhighs with lace-trimmed_legwear, but separate lace-trimmed_kneehighs and lace-trimmed_socks tags exist there. Lace-trimmed thighhighs is such a high count tag that rolling them all into "legwear" would add an irritating amount of false positives to a search for non-thighhigh variants. Not sure if if we should do the same with the ribbon-trimmed tags (it's at least not as much of an issue currently).

EB said:

I can hardly find anything that's not thighhighs with lace-trimmed_legwear, but separate lace-trimmed_kneehighs and lace-trimmed_socks tags exist there. Lace-trimmed thighhighs is such a high count tag that rolling them all into "legwear" would add an irritating amount of false positives to a search for non-thighhigh variants.

I've often thought about why we don't just convert everything over to the *_legwear format.

The only issue with the current scheme is that if it wasn't for the autocomplete showing lace-trimmed thighhighs as one of the top results under lace-trimmed_*, I'd have no way of knowing whether to use *_thighhighs or *_legwear, especially since almost every other qualifier for legwear uses the *_legwear format.

Using the consistent *_legwear format for all qualifiers would therefore make tagging easier at the cost of having false positives. The post count of lace-trimmed socks and kneehighs is about 15 each and the error rate is about 50% for both (if everything gets converted over to *_legwear). Since the overall count is so low, I'd consider that a cost I could deal with.