Dragonzordasaurus said:
The user's opinion *is* their post.
No, it isn't.
If you'd posted something decent (I know, pure hypothetical) and it got overlooked, and you appealed it, I'd approve it, EVEN THOUGH you are a rampaging moron.
Posted under General
This topic has been locked.
Suiseiseki said:
There's always gelbooru if you want a system with no standards.
Granola said:
gelbooru doesn't give a shit what anyone posts.
A simple glance at the Gelbooru terms shows that what you are both stating is very wrong. Gelbooru has standards and it's because of things that people say, like the comments you both have made, that cause us to appear to have no standards. It gets annoying having to clean up crap because a few people still have an outdated idea that Gelbooru doesn't care what the user uploads. Ignorance is fine, but in all likelihood you've never visited the site or else you two would not have made the above comments.
Fencedude, seriously man, you need to relax a little. Treating people like they are dirt does not help the problem at all, no matter how much you think they deserve it. You're only aggravating the situation and making potentially great members never contribute.
Fencedude said:
If you'd posted something decent (I know, pure hypothetical) and it got overlooked, and you appealed it, I'd approve it, EVEN THOUGH you are a rampaging moron.
You're basically saying your opinion on a person is determined by whether or not they have the same exact tastes in "art" as you do.
That's just ... pathetic and intolerant. AWESOME qualities for a moderator.
My quick and polite request didn't work at all so I'll try another method:
Dragonzordasaurus, drop it or be banned. And to facilitate the dropping, everyone else should also refrain from posting anything further on this, or I'll consider it egging him on. I want this thread to get back on track immediately. Thanks.
jxh2154 said
No, you drop it when an admin tells you to, especially if he just fucking got done telling EVERYONE to drop it.
Only in a way that paints me as the sole aggressor (since you didn't actually threaten the opposite party with a full-out ban; hmmm interesting) and supports their earlier actions.
I don't really care if you're anything less than God or Santa Claus at this point.
This is why everyone reads the most popular thread on the forums.
post #414948 to keep it on topic.
Yay, back to business.
came across these one's. Not mine but I think they deserve a second chance
Please reconsider this: