post #4287378: This and it's child post seem perfectly fine
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post #4287378: This and it's child post seem perfectly fine
post #4288642: this is good drawing
post #1224224: Part of a series
post #1224194: Part of a series
post #1224197: Despite the low quality, part of a series
post #1224200: Part of a series
post #1224221: Despite the low quality, part of a series
post #1224224: Part of a series
post #4288945: this is a high quality version of approved post.
post #3552129
post #3552941
post #3866250: I see no reason why this could not be approved
post #3178003: Lovely
post #4288769: Why approve only one of this post batch when all are parents to approved child posts?
post #4279615: Not sure how this post counts as "poor quality". Like, even with the approvers bias/opinions this should be alright.
post #4290114: Nice, soft quality line and coloring.
post #4290315: "impossible spine twist looks jarring" shouldn't be enough to be classify as poor quality(jsut add the poor anatomy tag).
post #4209351: That's a really cute picture