post #3492626: It is within the scope of the site, and does not break the rules.
Posted under General
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post #3492626: It is within the scope of the site, and does not break the rules.
post #3279377: It doesn’t look that bad.
post #4270272: Cute crossover
post #4277929: Well-drawn breastfeeding yuri
post #3708668: Fantastic style and use of color. The "sample" watermark is hardly noticable.
post #733911: A fine image, and the only one missing from the artist
post #4102933: Parent of approved child post
post #4278708: This is more than double the file size of its parent. Danbooru's own policies showing preference to less lossy file formats.
post #4279280: how is this poor quality?
post #4277998: uncertainly
post #4279640
post #4279957: While "different" from the more usual set, there is no inherent bad quality to it.
post #4281886: Lol, this site