
Deletion appeal thread

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

evazion said:

It was deleted after being unapproved in three days. There was a bug where the "Unapproved in three days" flag wasn't recorded for a few days last year.

hmm, that makes sense. Could there have been more images affected by the bug?

post #3100234 (other posts by this artist like post #2121671 were approved, which is way worse in quality imo)
Probably the worst thing about this picture are the gross lines, but there are similar pics suffering from the same problem in danbooru
I also would like to post more art by this artist but for some reason almost all of his works went private...

also post #3100231
A simple yet cute picture, dont see why this one wasn't approved. Similar posts by this artist were also approved in the past.
