I don't think this is any different/worse than this artists other approved works.
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I don't think this is any different/worse than this artists other approved works.
I'd actually like to upload all versions of Kecleon and Togepi from http://glitchedpuppet.tumblr.com/tagged/pokemon-crossbreed (11 images). This is the first one but was unapproved in 3 days. Compare post #3063045 by another artist, which was accepted.
@Danielx21 go ahead and upload the rest, I've approved these.
nonamethanks said:
@Danielx21 go ahead and upload the rest, I've approved these.
All are uploaded and approved. Thank you, @nonamethanks and @Provence.
post #3070642
post #3070684
post #3070689
Part of the same image from post #3055016 and the last one is an uncensored version of post #3070646 so I have no idea why these were deleted
Starting to wonder why some pixiv uploads are only now getting singled out and flagged/deleted for bad anatomy when they also happen to have twitter-sourced child posts that are still active on this site. There are no anatomically correct improvements between any of these.
post #3063514
And it's child post
post #3061758
post #3068945
post #3068946
post #3068947
And their child posts
post #3043121
post #3043120
Topsy_Krett said:
Starting to wonder why some pixiv uploads are only now getting singled out and flagged/deleted for bad anatomy when they also happen to have twitter-sourced child posts that are still active on this site. There are no anatomically correct improvements between any of these.
post #3063514
And it's child post
post #3061758post #3068945
post #3068946
post #3068947
And their child posts
post #3043121
post #3043120
topic #7934 would probably be better judging your sentences.
Topsy_Krett said:
Starting to wonder why some pixiv uploads are only now getting singled out and flagged/deleted for bad anatomy when they also happen to have twitter-sourced child posts that are still active on this site.
Some flaggers only flag one image first to test the waters and avoid cluttering the mod queue unnecessarily. If it doesn’t get reapproved, the similar posts are flagged as well because they most likely won’t be reapproved either.
post #3068945
post #3068946
post #3068947
And their child posts
post #3043121
post #3043120
You hadn’t parented those properly; they were two independent groups. (Edit: Fixed. “Find similar” is your friend.) The flagger probably missed the second group.
Also, topic #7934 is for questions like this.
Edit: And sniped by Provence. (“judging your sentences”? Apparently, Danbooru is now a court.)
3kuma works have distinct art style which include slightly sketchy art to express a certain emotion, please reconsider.
it's translated and good quality image