
tag implication: trap, reverse_trap --> androgynous

Posted under General

Hansen_Sebastian said:
Androgynous men are always referred to as traps and androgynous women are always referred to as reverse traps. Should the trap and reverse_trap tags be implicated with the androgynous tag? Since these tags are associated with androgyny.

It's not a good idea to go around changing wiki definitions and then bringing up the issue for discussion. You should discuss such changes first.

Fred1515 said:
It's not a good idea to go around changing wiki definitions and then bringing up the issue for discussion. You should discuss such changes first.

And this is true not only for definitions but for a wiki formatting too.

I've noticed that you (Hansen Sebastian) are removing underscores from linked tags. Please don't do this. We already discussed this and the general opinion was against it, see forum #71130.