
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

pool #2721: Touhou - Puru-see (seigetu)

Taggable like inu_sakuya, but I don't see a point in tagging it. The whole pool is just one artist (and is almost the same as searching seigetu) so there's no real point in making it a tag.

Amusingly enough, some of seigetu's non-parsee works are also included in the pool.

Blue4 said:
pool #2721: Touhou - Puru-see (seigetu)

Taggable like inu_sakuya, but I don't see a point in tagging it. The whole pool is just one artist (and is almost the same as searching seigetu) so there's no real point in making it a tag.

Amusingly enough, some of seigetu's non-parsee works are also included in the pool.

Its a seigetu chibi search. Kill it.

It may be erroneous, but the practice originally was intentional. Animation is cheaper when you can simply swap the shape of the mouth, rather than that of the entire face. This purpose has no bearing on static images, but may be done to copy the style of the animation or because the artist is lazy. Does willfully bad_anatomy constitute error?

Blue4 said:
pool #1635 - Pose references

Poorly defined concept, could accommodate any picture with a pose.

This could be either transformed into a separate "Artist helper: poses" pool, defined as something like "well-drawn and anatomically correct images depicting non-trivial poses", or selectively merged into "Artist helper: anatomy" (pool #86) and "Artist helper: foreshortening" (pool #68).

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