post #9000000 GET!

Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

santaclaush said:

Ok thanks, so the mods just didn't like the style?
What type of style do they like?

It varies. But the good news is it only takes one Approver who likes a post enough to get it approved. There is no consensus required; all Approvers operate independently.

NSFW content in general is harder to get approved in part because it is more likely to have commonly blacklisted tags, but again, the users have varied tastes. There are some that will approve Explicit artwork as long as they think the quality’s good enough.

santaclaush said:

Ok thanks, so the mods just didn't like the style?
What type of style do they like?

Add 'approver:any' to a search to see only posts that have been approved. For example, searching 'blue_archive approver:any' will only return Blue Archive images that have gone through the modqueue and been approved. It can be helpful to search the specific artist you want to upload this way, and possibly also do a search that includes 'status:deleted' so you can see what art by that artist or in that copyright has NOT been approved.

However, be careful to check the dates, as approver standards have gone up over time, so an image approved 5 years ago isn't necessarily one that would be approved today.

EmbryoEve said:

It’s an inferior version of a deleted post you uploaded a month ago. Maybe there’s one extra line of pixels (it’s hard to tell), but the resolution is much lower than the older post. You may want to try appealing the parent.

As an aside, make sure to add the gendertags to your posts. You’ve been forgetting them lately. Also, be careful with your ratings. Just because her skirt is covering her crotch doesn’t mean that kind of view is appropriate for G.


Would I be able to get feedback on post #8992089 and why it wasn't approved. I appealed it, didn't go through (which is fine, but not fine lol). But just want to know, I've had a few other post from this artist not go through, so might not be good for me to keep uploading their work if it's not going to go through


Blank_User said:

It varies. But the good news is it only takes one Approver who likes a post enough to get it approved. There is no consensus required; all Approvers operate independently.

NSFW content in general is harder to get approved in part because it is more likely to have commonly blacklisted tags, but again, the users have varied tastes. There are some that will approve Explicit artwork as long as they think the quality’s good enough.

Thanks <3

CommentaryRequest said:

Read about:mod_queue. In short, in the 3 days that your post was in the queue, no approvers liked it enough to approve it. You could try appealing it if you think it's good quality though.

Kinda hard for me because of how low my upload cap as uploading here feels like a coin flip, I'm half tempted to just make an alt to get it back lol.