post #9000000 GET!

Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Lyfjaberg said:

Can someone take a look at post #8468391 and post #8023267, both artworks are from riskiruski1 and have been unapproved after 3 days, I would like to know what is wrongg wirth these artworks and why they fallen through the queue?
Next is post #8468470 -> only thing I can think of for this one are the low res nature of the animation + compression artifacts, would be nice if someone could confirm it!

The riskiruski1 ones are probably for low quality. Proportions on post #8468391 are also off with the torso too.

B17Bomber said:

Can someone tell me why post #8414485 keeps getting deleted and even hit with Low quality tag when it's the same exact quality of that artists other work?

It's even the same exact setting he likes to put that character in

I can't offer advice on why it hasn't been accepted but the approver who marked it with poor quality and left the note was likely in a bad mood. They left similar messages on other posts too so don't feel like it was targetted.

BKaz20 said:

post #8439385
post #8439409
post #8439416
post #8439421
post #8439428
post #8439432
post #8439437
post #8439445

None of these were approved, even though plenty of art from the same artist and of the same character has been approved in the past.

I appealed all of these, and while a few of them succeeded, most of them were still rejected. I'm unsure what to do now; there's more art from The Jieb I planned on posting (both of this character and of others), but I'm worried they'll get deleted too. Are this artist's works just not a good fit for Danbooru?

I'm here once more, wondering what the problem with images are.
Please help me understand what's allowed and what isn't, or what rule of thumb I should follow. Or is it only based on the approver's taste?

For example: and it's child.
These two are by chamchami and obviously a lot of his stuff is here.

Then there's these:
These are by Kyuugata and I uploaded some of his art before that got approved. It's an artist with a strong artstyle who doesn't seem to have much unfinished works.

Is this one because of sketch? or the censorship bar?

Meowscar64 said:

For example: and it's child.
These two are by chamchami and obviously a lot of his stuff is here.

Then there's these:
These are by Kyuugata and I uploaded some of his art before that got approved. It's an artist with a strong artstyle who doesn't seem to have much unfinished works.

To add to above, the amount of approved work an artist has doesn't always mean that their works will always be accepted. With the artists you mentioned, they also have quite a few deleted works already.

Felt like I was on a roll beforehand and was getting a feel for what's accepted and what isn't.
And I want to contribute a lot to the site going forward.

Is there something I'm missing? Standards for Explicit posts or something I did wrong in uploading?
post #8476388
post #8476403

Any advice/feedback would be helpful!


post #8439524 (rating:e)

I tried to upload what I thought was a better version of an existing post (GIF over Zip); it was rejected with 12-13 disinterests on both the initial upload and on appeal. Now I get that the GIF isn't necessarily better but can someone help me understand why it isn't? I feel like it shouldn't have been deleted.

post #8456587 (rating:g)

I thought this was pretty funny so I uploaded it but it fell through with 15 disinterests. Are photo backgrounds no good or is the character alone not enough for this to be accepted? There's a whole set of these images but I decided not to upload the rest after the first one was deleted with the understanding that the rest would probably follow suit. Approved. One thing: GS25.


I don't really get it then because someone told me it wasn't when I asked or that it would depend, or maybe I pissed off too many approvers at some point, or maybe the post itself isn't good. This happens about every other month, frustratingly. In the past this would've been accepted as a 1up.

WRS said:

I don't really get it then because someone told me it wasn't when I asked or that it would depend, or maybe I pissed off too many approvers at some point, or maybe the post itself isn't good. This happens about every other month, frustratingly. In the past this would've been accepted as a 1up.

gif - dithering
ugoira (original-ish, gallery-dl) - dithering + jpeg artifacts (q=99)
ugoira (sample, danbooru) - jpeg artifacts (q=90) so bad to the point that the dithering is smoothed

I see, thanks. I can't really do anything about it anymore. I should probably learn these image tools so I can put decisive results in the appeal message or just flat out add these to my list of things not to upload for the time being. I did see it earlier but I hesitated on uploading it and I see that wasn't a smart move.