
Translation request thread

Posted under General

SolRush said:

post #7317493
Love Live!, SFW
There are some words & text I have trouble reading due to the handwriting. Can anybody be able to read them? Incomplete & contested translations are marked with small hatnotes.

I poked at it, and I think I got most of the stuff you were confused about. Let me know what you think!

The_Bob said:

I poked at it, and I think I got most of the stuff you were confused about. Let me know what you think!

It looks like it's exceeded everything I hoped for. The translations are much better here. Thanks for the assist!

The only question I'd like to ask is the narrative box (Izayaka). You interpreted that hard-to-read kanji as (financially) "cheap," but I couldn't find it in an online dictionary that matches it. The only radical I can make out is "⺅". But what was the kanji you read it as?

SolRush said:

It looks like it's exceeded everything I hoped for. The translations are much better here. Thanks for the assist!

The only question I'd like to ask is the narrative box (Izayaka). You interpreted that hard-to-read kanji as (financially) "cheap," but I couldn't find it in an online dictionary that matches it. The only radical I can make out is "⺅". But what was the kanji you read it as?

Yeah, the handwriting is pretty messy. It looks to me like やっすい, which I take as an emphatic version of やすい (but I could be wrong!).

The_Bob said:

Yeah, the handwriting is pretty messy. It looks to me like やっすい, which I take as an emphatic version of やすい (but I could be wrong!).

I see. I understand the normal hiragana reading on the second line, but even the kanji on the third line at the bottom of the "title box" is too difficult to read?


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