
Unapproved images

Posted under General

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The important thing to understand is that the moderation process doesn't follow any guidelines - it's pretty arbitrary and subjective. And it's not just one person looking at the images either.

If you notice some discrepancy, it's pretty pointless to come complaining about it to the forum. About the only thing you can do is hope for a privileged account, in which case you won't have to get moderators to approve your images. If your posts are good quality enough, maybe someone will recommend you for a promotion.

On the other hand, if something is actively marked for deletion (not just deleted due to being unapproved in three days), THEN you're doing something wrong, and might want to ask about it on the forums if it's not immediately obvious what.

SnowfairyX said: Are uploads of certain magazine scans looked down upon?

Magazine scans should generally be clean (that doesn't mean textless, just well scanned and cleaned up) and high resolution. Standards are a bit higher than for normal images, at least for me, since I know that 85% of the time I can just hop on over to moe.imouto and find the same scan at five times the quality in about 60 seconds.

I do think that one of the problems some people face is when they post content they don't have a decent idea of what moderations might look for. The arbitrary nature of the process can do some people over and make them feel they have to 'second guess' the mods.

My advice is this. Don't try and get that attitude, because it really just screws with your posting habits and since the it's so arbitrary, it's not easy to solve. I had that concern when I noted many people didn't seem to have much of a taste for landscape images -> yet I've uploaded a fair few of them and had a positive response. Only every mod explaining what they look for here would answer concerns completely, which is IMHO very unreasonable to ask of them. By all means, if you have an image you're really passionate about it might be worth chasing up the danbooru chatrooms, but don't get too stressed over it. Obviously, if you don't feel that confident then avoid posting CG sets etc, and just focus on single, unique images. Eventually you'll get a Privileged account if you keep quality up, and from there you can bypass the queue.

Good advice, Stork. It's what I would have done, if my hobby of translating hadn't put me on a slightly faster track to promotion :P as well as being recognized from the old danbooru, I suppose. Long-time users do seem to pull more respect around here, somehow.

I just started up here, and have had a couple of images removed. All I can say is that you can't please everyone... :P Honestly, the images deleted were better artwork than the majority of some of the other stuff kickin' around on this site -- but I won't argue with mods, or complain. I'll just keep uploading. *shrugs*

How does on obtain priviledged status, anyhow? o.O *random*

RaenD said:
How does on obtain priviledged status, anyhow?

Just like with getting posts approved, it's a matter of moderator discresion. If a mod wants to give you a priviledged account, you get one. There are no rules governing how you get upgraded; it's just whoever the mods deem worthy.

VGK said:
why contribute if images dont get approved anyway?

<--- miffed VGK.

Because the majority of your posts will if you put a little thought into what you pick.

Because the process of not getting approved can teach you lessons on what content to post, which then allows you to get a privileged account.

Because it's not your website and if you're contributing, you're doing so with the trust of the website's owners that you follow their rules, as it's their website?

I dunno, those sound like good reasons to me.

Magus said:
Images that don't get approved tend to be unapproved for good reason.

I just find it strange that some images, especially if they're by the same artist/artbook get approved, while others don't. :/ I have images still waiting for approval, and honestly I don't understand why they aren't getting approved. The art is well done, and I've seen helluva lot worse floating around on the site.

I'm not butt-hurt about it. Just want to know the deal? Or at least get a good reason for a deletion/wait on approval?

Magus said:
Just like with getting posts approved, it's a matter of moderator discresion. If a mod wants to give you a priviledged account, you get one. There are no rules governing how you get upgraded; it's just whoever the mods deem worthy.

Ah, I see. My husband has a privileged account, and I was just curious about it. :3 I appreciate the reply greatly!

I can't give you any inside info about why such things happen. There are some unapproved images that I don't understand either; I'd have approved them right away if I were a mod. But I'm not a mod; it's their taste, not mine, that governs approvals.

Magus said:
I can't give you any inside info about why such things happen. There are some unapproved images that I don't understand either; I'd have approved them right away if I were a mod. But I'm not a mod; it's their taste, not mine, that governs approvals.

I'll just have to watch what I post, I suppose. Thanks all for messaging back and forth, here. ^.^

I hope that in the future we can have some sort of feature which allows privileged users to reupload deleted posts to "revive" them, in some sense. Now, if I'm not mistaken, it just results in a "duplicate" message, even though the currently uploaded duplicate is deleted.

If such a feature were introduced, at least you'd be able to reupload those pictures you missed once you become a privileged user. Looking at your profile, you almost certainly will be one eventually. In fact your posts are probably more "valuable" than mine, on the whole, haha... :) I was mainly privileged due to my translation efforts, before and after the Great Danbooru Crash, I think.

Couldn't you modify the image a little bit so it would seem a new image?

And heh considering half 25 of my images were deleted and 4 more on the way I doubt I will become privileged. But oh well I like the site and I'll still upload stuff that I think is good.

Tolone said:
Couldn't you modify the image a little bit so it would seem a new image?

This is a bad practice. Proliferation of multiple, only slightly different images on the internet is not something that should be encouraged. Also, every time you save a JPEG, it decreases in quality (just like making copies of copies of VHS tapes or whatever), even if the filesize is increased.

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