post #9000000 GET!

1girl, 1boy tags

Posted under General

We don't have these two tags currently, but I think we should have them. My reasoning is simply: as far as I'm aware we don't currently have a good way of tagging an image with one guy and one girl in the image, unless they're a couple.

Additionally, this tag can be used on images that have one guy but multiple girls, and vice versa. Also, solo is used both for images with one guy and images with one girl, so it provides more granularity for that too. It is simply information that can be tagged and is useful for certain searches, and is currently falling between the cracks, untagged.

I think we can start populating this tag by doing a mass edit of couple -> 1boy, 1girl, and possibly going through the solo tag (manually, since that includes both girls and boys). After that it's just a matter of using it properly from now on out. We already tag 2girls and 2boys etc., so I don't think it'll be difficult to learn this behavior.

I don't know if this has been discussed before (I imagine so), but I'm curious to hear arguments for and against this.

EDIT: Just to clarify, I think we should use these tags on EVERY image that qualifies. So regardless of whether it's a couple, or a sexual situation, if you see one girl in an image, tag 1girl. Analogous to 2girls etc.

Updated by Saladofstones

It would certainly mean A LOT of work, but don't misunderstand this as an argument against it.

I kinda voiced my opinion on this in forum #55204 (Bardiche and Raising_heart) when I said

S1eth said:
The 2girls, solo, etc. on the other hand, which were changed to work as counting tags (instead of not-so-yuri images of 2 girls), fail to do exactly that. Solo works for every character, and Xgirls works only for girls. 2girls+1boy = ?, 1boy+1girl = ?, 1girl+1"intelligent device" = ?

If 1boy/1girl can help "getting rid of the '?'s", I'm all for it.

solo -male won't allow mass editing because of animals and creatures such as kyuubey. (no_humans isn't currently used as much as it should be) Of course, removing 1girl from those images would be less work than manually adding it to all other posts.


I'm pretty strongly in favor of this for the reasons you already detailed. The other gender count tags are pretty ingrained now, so I can't see any issue with adding these ones. They'd add a very useful bit of searchability.

I don't think you could mass edit couple though. There's quite a few pictures on it that focus on a couple but feature other characters in the background, or in some other capacity, or even multiple couples.

Anelaid said:
I've suggested it before and its been rejected.

I think the problem is that using -multiple_girls or -multiple_guys would suffice to what amounts for the same thing without having to go through and tag everything.

That doesn't cover most of the issues presented in the original post though. To try to find a picture of a boy and a girl that aren't a couple you'd have to basically search -multiple_girls -multiple_boys -solo -couple and then the vast majority of your results will just be undertagged posts, because the absence of a tag conveys much less concrete information than the presence of one.

This sounds like a good idea to me, since it would certainly come in handy when trying to narrow down search results. What should be done about characters who have no canon gender, though, such as Lion Ushiromiya?

Good point about the mass edit objections, however I think we might want to shrug and accept a couple of those false positives/negatives so that we can start populating these two tags (we can go through and fix them after the mass edit comes through, I'm pretty sure that's still significantly less work).

In any case I'll start using 1girl and 1boy where appropriate for now.

スラッシュ said:
Good point about the mass edit objections, however I think we might want to shrug and accept a couple of those false positives/negatives so that we can start populating these two tags (we can go through and fix them after the mass edit comes through, I'm pretty sure that's still significantly less work).

In any case I'll start using 1girl and 1boy where appropriate for now.

After reading this conversation, I too agree with the existence of these two new tags and I'm going to use them where appropriate, too, for now.

スラッシュ said:
Good point about the mass edit objections, however I think we might want to shrug and accept a couple of those false positives/negatives so that we can start populating these two tags (we can go through and fix them after the mass edit comes through, I'm pretty sure that's still significantly less work).

In any case I'll start using 1girl and 1boy where appropriate for now.

About exactly what I was thinking.

psich said:
This sounds like a good idea. How exactly would this work with the solo clause about faceless/nameless characters? Leave it as solo with the appropriate number of characters?

T5J8F8 said:
Would these 1gender tags be applicable if the same character is depicted in multiple frames of a comic, or multiple times in an image (such as a collage)?

Since this is looks like just a subdivision of the solo tag, I'd say to stick to solo's rules for now?
There may be some merit in using it more literally though...

Then we could:

feldt said:
What should be done about characters who have no canon gender, though, such as Lion Ushiromiya?

Alignn said:
Do I tag pictures with Samus in her armor as 1girl or solo? On one hand it's not 100% visible that she's female, on the other hand it's definitely Samus, who is definitely female.

You just tag them as what they look like, like everything else. Remember it is mainly a visual database.
male -> boy
female -> girl
no gender/can't tell -> nothing
maybe a point could be made for 1androgynous...

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