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Uika (Ave Mujica episode 11 spoilers) implication

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BUR #38763 has been rejected.

create alias misumi_hatsune -> misumi_uika

Episode 11 revealed that her real name is Hatsune and that Uika is her sister whose identity she stole. Seems that an alias is prudent. Probably if in the future any fanart of the "real" Uika turns up, a "misumi_uika_(real)" tag may be useful also.

As this revelation is a spoiler, I am definitely against the alias. If it were to be aliased, then her Danbooru wiki page covering the info about her identity would be pointless, as it would still be shown in "The following tags are aliased to this tag:" note at the bottom.

For example, Hoshikawa Lily of Zombie Land Saga also doesn't have her former name, Gou Masao aliased, considering it was a spoiler.


silvia_ash said:

Well, if we don't alias it, we should at the very least attach a note to the wiki on it directing people to the Uika page and telling them to not use the tag.

Nobody's using that tag though? Sounds like you're trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist. The Uika page already has it noted in spoilers.

Yeah we should be careful to not do too many things that have a decent chance of needing to be reverted next week. This combined with the anime only having 2 episodes left, it's best to just wait it out and remember spoilers exists.