This is an extremely subjective measure that also doesn't even work when things such as tomboys exist.
I don't know why you wrote this, because this is also an extremely subjective measure that also doesn't even work when things such as bishounen exist. This was just my humorous comment on LQ's pointless question.
What kind of culture war are you imagining. The site is 20 years old, society is going to change no matter how conservative you may be.
Most of the East Asians, i.e. those we all worship here, do not share your opinion in the "changing society" and do not take their opinion into account in favor of yours... Just why?
Society certainly changes, but the terms do not. There is no difference between trap 20 years ago and trap today, especially when it comes to anime. Just as it meant a biological male trying to be like a girl back then, it still means the same thing today.