An argument ended up flaring up in topic #12251 over whether or not non-humanoid characters should get character counts or stay under the no humans tag. I'm creating this thread mainly as a way of containing that argument and letting that thread resume its role for tagging help (and so that I can go the fuck to bed), but hey, if a change I want happens because of it, I won't complain.
I'm going to open this by reiterating what I said in that thread before things got ugly: the lack of charcounts for characters like Kirby (or in the case of that thread My Little Pony characters) has always been something that low-key annoyed me. Often times, these characters are just as sapient and depicted in similar ways as to humanoid characters, but often end up shoved under the no humans umbrella due to not being humanoid. I'm not even sure the people who browse no humans want to see things like Kirby in there, but what do I know.
However, that's not to say they should be tagged as xgirls/boys/others like that argument devolved into, as the people who browse those tags sure as hell don't want things like horses in there. My proposal was to instead be over if "xcreatures" charcount tags could be implicated in these cases for sentient nonhumanoid characters, so people can search/filter them the same way as with our current charcounts. I don't know what the exact limits would be except that sentience is probably key here (so don't put nonsentient pokemon in there), but I think it'd be beneficial in the long run. How good of an idea is this, I ask?