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Previous topic #15419 topic #7962
Unbreakable said:
Previous topic #15419 topic #7962
Thanks for sharing. I've modified the disintegration, dissolving and melting wikis so that they've all got clear, distinguished meanings.
Ourobouro said:
Thanks for sharing. I've modified the disintegration, dissolving and melting wikis so that they've all got clear, distinguished meanings.
Does this mean that you don't want the alias anymore? If so, you can reject the BUR yourself.
Ourobouro said:
I clicked too fast and responded with neutral instead of downvoting OTL. Please reject, mods (sorry about that)
@Ourobouro you can always go into the "My Account" section and click on the number by the "forum posts" vote section, there will be an option to unvote there.
The bulk update request #27420 (forum #285194) has been rejected by @Ourobouro.