
Animal skulls

Posted under Tags

BUR #26521 is pending approval.

create implication bird_skull -> animal_skull
create implication bovine_skull -> animal_skull
create implication caprine_skull -> animal_skull
create implication cervid_skull -> animal_skull

Implications for new (except bird) tags. Broader "scientific" names were chosen to avoid issues with "this character is a goat, should I tag sheep skull" etc.

"Ram_skull" exists but has no wiki and isn't that visually distinct from goat imo.


BUR #26522 is pending approval.

create alias cow_skull -> bovine_skull
create alias bull_skull -> bovine_skull
create alias buffalo_skull -> bovine_skull
create alias goat_skull -> caprine_skull
create alias sheep_skull -> caprine_skull
create alias ram_skull -> caprine_skull
create alias deer_skull -> cervid_skull
create alias moose_skull -> cervid_skull

If avoiding mistags > intuitiveness.

BUR #26523 is pending approval.

create alias bovine_skull -> cow_skull
create alias bull_skull -> cow_skull
create alias buffalo_skull -> cow_skull
create alias caprine_skull -> ram_skull
create alias goat_skull -> ram_skull
create alias sheep_skull -> ram_skull
create alias cervid_skull -> deer_skull
create alias moose_skull -> deer_skull

If intuitiveness > avoiding mistags.

It's worth noting sheep and goat skulls seem pretty equally used (and both sheep and goats have some religious significance) so either could have been the name. Personally I would prefer broader names for reason such as this, but I can also see the logic behind wanting more intuitive tags.