
About translated, translation_request, and everything in-between.

Posted under Tags

BUR #26354 has been rejected.

mass update translated -> fully_translated
create implication check_translation -> translated
create implication partially_translated -> translated
create implication fully_translated -> translated

(BUR is not final, it's just to add voting)

At the moment the way the website wants translated to be used is for "fully translated" works.
According to the wiki:

This tag only applies to fully translated posts. If the translation is incomplete or needs review, use partially translated or check translation instead. When the post is fully translated, remove the translation request tag and add translated.

Because of that, posts such as, say, post #6208868, cannot be under translated simply because the translator is not 100% sure of the translation, or posts such as post #7390845 cannot be added to translated because they're only partially translated.

There are 7332 results for translated (check_translation or partially_translated), and there are also a few posts with all three tagged together (just 77 at the time of writing, but my point still stands)

Because of this, I propose the creation of a fully_translated tag, and turning translated into an umbrella tag.
I am open to other proposals, I just would like to have a more enforced standard that doesn't leave perfectly readable translations in translation_request hell.

inb4 "fully translated" posts end up with untranslated sound effects

I'd solve the request hell problem by simply unimplicating check translation -> translation request so that translation request isn't 7% psots that are fully translated to the best of one's abilities. You'd still be able to search them individually or together, depending on the type of work you're looking for, without having to remember to exclude tags like check translation from your search.

I don't see what this is hoping to achieve. Just like commentary already implictly means "fully translated commentary", the exact same is the case for translated. Cases where not everything is translated are already covered too.

As for your examples:

Just like with commentary, the request tags just mean someone should take a look at it, that's all.

A different argument that could be made is renaming the *_request tags to untranslated_* so people stop interpreting them as a personal request.