
Kantai Collection alternate costume tags

Posted under General

BUR #36865 has been approved by @evazion.


create implication kawakaze_(zuiun_spirits)_(kancolle) -> kawakaze_(kancolle)
create implication tsushima_(zuiun_spirits)_(kancolle) -> tsushima_(kancolle)
create implication ooshio_(saury_festival)_(kancolle) -> ooshio_(kancolle)
create implication kuma_(valentine)_(kancolle) -> kuma_(kancolle)
create implication yayoi_(valentine)_(kancolle) -> yayoi_(kancolle)
create implication hayanami_(valentine)_(kancolle) -> hayanami_(kancolle)
create implication hamanami_(valentine)_(kancolle) -> hamanami_(kancolle)
create implication i-47_(valentine)_(kancolle) -> i-47_(kancolle)
create implication i-47_(setsubun)_(kancolle) -> i-47_(kancolle)
create implication italia_(valentine)_(kancolle) -> littorio_(kancolle)
create implication littorio_(valentine)_(kancolle) -> littorio_(kancolle)
create implication jingei_(valentine)_(kancolle) -> jingei_(kancolle)
create implication maikaze_(valentine)_(kancolle) -> maikaze_(kancolle)
create implication suzunami_(valentine)_(kancolle) -> suzunami_(kancolle)
create implication ukuru_(valentine)_(kancolle) -> ukuru_(kancolle)

Starting new BUR for newly discovered costumes. This BUR will continue to grow as more are found.

For Kawakaze, had to upload post #8846119 to show this is an official costume.

BUR #36911 has been approved by @evazion.


create implication gotland_(saury_festival)_(kancolle) -> gotland_(kancolle)
rename gotland_(christmas_mode)_(kancolle) -> gotland_(christmas)_(kancolle)
create implication gotland_(peach_festival)_(kancolle) -> gotland_(kancolle)
rename gotland_(swimsuit_mode)_(kancolle) -> gotland_(swimsuit)_(kancolle)
rename gotland_andra_(2020_swimsuit_mode)_(kancolle) -> gotland_andra_(2020_swimsuit)_(kancolle)
rename gotland_andra_(2021_swimsuit_mode)_(kancolle) -> gotland_andra_(2021_swimsuit)_(kancolle)
create implication gotland_(valentine's_day)_(kancolle) -> gotland_(kancolle)
rename gotland_(haregi_mode)_(kancolle) -> gotland_(new_year)_(kancolle)
rename gotland_(yukata_mode)_(kancolle) -> gotland_(yukata)_(kancolle)
create implication intrepid_kai_(kancolle) -> intrepid_(kancolle)
create implication intrepid_(mitsukoshi)_(kancolle) -> intrepid_(kancolle)

Lots of Gotland skins never got tags or "mode" taken off, as well as a couple needed implications I've found while gardening the remodel tag. There's still a couple more skins of Gotland's that need tagging, but I've run out of time for now, so I'll do them tonight if no one else has gotten to them by then.

BUR #36923 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias sagiri_kai_(swimsuit_mode)_(kancolle) -> sagiri_(swimsuit)_(kancolle)
mass update sagiri_(swimsuit_mode)_(kancolle) -> -sagiri_(swimsuit_mode)_(kancolle) sagiri_(swimsuit)_(kancolle)
rename south_dakota_kai_(swimsuit_mode)_(kancolle) -> south_dakota_(swimsuit)_(kancolle)
mass update south_dakota_(swimsuit_mode)_(kancolle) -> -south_dakota_(swimsuit_mode)_(kancolle) south_dakota_(swimsuit)_(kancolle)
rename houston_kai_(swimsuit_mode)_(kancolle) -> houston_(swimsuit)_(kancolle)
mass update Houston_(swimsuit_mode)_(kancolle) -> -Houston_(swimsuit_mode)_(kancolle) Houston_(swimsuit)_(kancolle)

Removing "mode" from these swimsuits and consolidating them into single tags due to each case being too similar across Kai and base but with slight differences (using Ushio's as basis):

  • Sagiri: Kai is base minus the shirt
  • South Dakota: Kai is base minus the jacket
  • Houston: Base and kai have the same design, just different colors

Was about to eventually do this along with the other swimsuits (because so many have been introduced over the past almost 12 years), but Historyanon has started to do this now in his latest BUR above.


BUR #36927 has been approved by @evazion.

rename minegumo_(hinamatsuri_mode)_(kancolle) -> minegumo_(hinamatsuri)_(kancolle)
rename sagiri_(hinamatsuri_mode)_(kancolle) -> sagiri_(hinamatsuri)_(kancolle)
rename kaiboukan_no._30_(hinamatsuri_mode)_(kancolle) -> kaiboukan_no._30_(hinamatsuri)_(kancolle)
rename kaiboukan_no._4_(hinamatsuri_mode)_(kancolle) -> kaiboukan_no._4_(hinamatsuri)_(kancolle)

Removing "mode" from these Hinamatsuri CG tags.

Was thinking of merging Sagiri's into Valentine because she is probably wearing the same blue dress, but the hairband, thighhighs, and the absence of the coat might say otherwise. Anyway...

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