post #9000000 GET!

FGO requests

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nonamethanks said:

Why do we have an umbrella for Valkyrie? I don't know if I can agree with this.

You tried to nuke it before in topic #21884 and questioned about it in previous topics. The Valkyrie are more like a species than a group of characters, and three of them appear as a single servant named Valkyrie in FGO. Because of that, people mentioned issues with unnamed Valkyrie, the tag search limit and characters cosplaying shared costumes.

Should sader imply saber_(fate)?

BUR #24173 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias sesshouin_kiara_(lily)_(cook_heart) -> sessyoin_kiara_(lily)_(heart_of_cooking)
create implication sessyoin_kiara_(lily)_(heart_of_cooking) -> sessyoin_kiara_(lily)
create alias abigail_williams_(cook_heart)_(fate) -> abigail_williams_(heart_of_cooking)_(fate)
create alias illyasviel_von_einzbern_(cook_heart) -> illyasviel_von_einzbern_(heart_of_cooking)
create alias sesshouin_kiriu -> sessyoin_kiriu

I missed this one + official localization. There's also Sesshouin Kiriu from TM's Hazakura Romantic, the kanji for the surname is different and there will probably never be an official romanization of his full name, but the furigana is similar.
EDIT: game screenshot.


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