post #9000000 GET!

[Fate] Dress of Heaven

Posted under Tags

A few months ago, when @Benit149 did the massive work of adding first/second/third ascension outfits, he also nuked Dress of Heaven, splitting it into Illyasviel von Einzbern (Dress of Heaven), Irisviel von Einzbern (Caster), and Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern.

I'm not putting the blame on him at all, however this change came without a discussion, bringing odd tag names (Artworks of Irisviel wearing the outfit predate her appearance as Caster on FGO), cosplay tags (One could argue that post #1371808 et simila aren't necessarily cosplaying Irisviel), and in general splitting a single outfit gentag into three different chartags.

Should Dress of Heaven be restored, and should the above chartags be left as is or nuked? (One can do a character_tag dress_of_heaven search to find all relevant artworks)

Username_Hidden said:

BUR #11317 has been rejected.

mass update irisviel_von_einzbern_(caster) -> dress_of_heaven
mass update illyasviel_von_einzbern_(dress_of_heaven) -> dress_of_heaven
mass update justeaze_lizrich_von_einzbern -> dress_of_heaven

Dress of heaven restoration, there are probably going to be a couple mistags but they can be easily sorted out.

Justeaze is a separate character isn't it? So that one shouldn't be fully deleted. More like update justeaze -> justeaze dress_of_heaven
Yes to the rest though.

Astolfo said:

Justeaze is a separate character isn't it? So that one shouldn't be fully deleted. More like update justeaze -> justeaze dress_of_heaven

Unless something changed, mass update doesn't automatically remove tags if not specified. You might be getting confused with rename?

Username_Hidden said:

Unless something changed, mass update doesn't automatically remove tags if not specified. You might be getting confused with rename?

Oh, I thought update replaced the tags on the left with the tags on the right, woops. Nevermind then!

Login_to_view said:

Was there any reason this went unapproved?

Stumbled upon a dress of heaven chartag today and got hit by an epiphany that this thread existed, so still wondering why to this day lol

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