
Nuke octarian

Posted under Tags

AngryZapdos said:

First line should be:

mass update (inkling_player_character or callie_(splatoon) or marie_(splatoon) or cap'n_cuttlefish or agent_3_(splatoon) or agent_4_(splatoon) or pearl_(splatoon) or frye_(splatoon) ) -alternate_species -alternate_race -> inkling

For starters, it shouldn't be octoling_player_character for obvious reasons. Also, agent_3_(splatoon_3) can be either an Inkling or an Octoling, so that's out.

Second line seems fine.

Fixed, that was a typo.

BUR #38373 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias octoling_rival -> takozonesu
create implication fuzzy_octoling -> takozonesu

I would personally also suggest re-naming Takozonesu itself to octoling_(enemy) instead, since that is pretty much the closest thing to an official label for them that you can get in English, as there is nothing there that differentiates them from the playable octolings. Both of them are just "Octoling". So adding a bracket that specifies what differing role they play in-game should be good enough.

The mentioned fan-nickname of "Octozons" in their Wiki page seems to not have as much relevancy to it either, at least not so much anymore.
It's just a rushed English-fication of the Japanese label:
"Takozonesu" = "Octozone"
It may have been used by a few people way back when, (perhaps the moment English players first learned of how the Japanese text differentiates them from the playable Octolings) but if you were to go with the most common English nickname used amongst artists these days, then you'd get "Octoling Rival" instead.

I would have made a fully-fledged tag request for this, but the Takozonesu tag currently has too many posts in it.
Of course i could go and manually re-name the tags in each post if desirable.

Splatoonsiast said:

I would have made a fully-fledged tag request for this, but the Takozonesu tag currently has too many posts in it.
Of course i could go and manually re-name the tags in each post if desirable.

The course of action here would still be an alias anyways. Takozonesu isn't ambiguous and it is a name used to refer to the characters. (Definitely do not manually rename the tags en-masse!)

Splatoonsiast said:

BUR #38373 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias octoling_rival -> takozonesu
create implication fuzzy_octoling -> takozonesu

I would personally also suggest re-naming Takozonesu itself to octoling_(enemy) instead, since that is pretty much the closest thing to an official label for them that you can get in English, as there is nothing there that differentiates them from the playable octolings. Both of them are just "Octoling". So adding a bracket that specifies what differing role they play in-game should be good enough.

The mentioned fan-nickname of "Octozons" in their Wiki page seems to not have as much relevancy to it either, at least not so much anymore.
It's just a rushed English-fication of the Japanese label:
"Takozonesu" = "Octozone"
It may have been used by a few people way back when, (perhaps the moment English players first learned of how the Japanese text differentiates them from the playable Octolings) but if you were to go with the most common English nickname used amongst artists these days, then you'd get "Octoling Rival" instead.

I would have made a fully-fledged tag request for this, but the Takozonesu tag currently has too many posts in it.
Of course i could go and manually re-name the tags in each post if desirable.

What if a player character is depicted with fuzzy tentacle hair?

nonamethanks said:

What if a player character is depicted with fuzzy tentacle hair?

What I mean is, this seems more like a race/species tag than a chartag. But it's so small that it doesn't really matter right now.

It's more like a disease or physical condition that can theoretically be afflicted on anyone, similar to how some characters could get sanitized in Splatoon 2.
I've made the fuzzy_(splatoon) tag as a means of uniting both the fuzzy octolings, fuzzy octarians and other characters that have been drawn according to the physical features associated with fuzzy ooze transformations.

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