
List of musical artists?

Posted under General

Currently there're a list of tagged bands under the band section of tag group:audio tags. I'm not so sure on their appropriateness in a tag group named "audio tags", it sounds more like a list for gentags rather than copy/char tags. At first I thought of moving them to list of music-related series, but soon realized that the former consists of mainly real life artists and doesn't fit on a list for "series". There're a list of singers in the audio tag group, a few vtubers that shouldn't be there, but mostly real life artists too. So this got me thinking, we could create a "list of musical artists". This will also allow us to include and differentiate idols groups, producers and utaites etc. Alternately, we can even make it "list of artists/celebrities" and include actors and even illustrators who have char tags.

How this affects fictional artists and vtubers are open for discussion, since there already are list of music-related series and list of virtual youtubers. And feel free to improve the name and concept of the list, they're just suggestions, the primary goal is just to get them out of the audio tag group since it's tag group after all, not a list.


Speaking as a non-VTuber fan, I personally think that's a pretty good idea. It's definitely pretty weird to have real bands in a tag mainly used when things like headphones, CD players, and instruments are spotted (not to mention album cover and album cover redraw are tags for a reason). I think by having a musical artist list, it'll make a lot more sense category wise and be somewhat easier to sift through looking for, say, a band poster on a wall or something.

But this is just me speaking as someone who is a fan of neither virtual youtubers or any sort of musical series like Love Live!. I definitely think someone who is (and would presumably be making much more active use of these tags than I am) should weigh in.

Tag Group:People exists but its massive, not regularly updated, and things like the sports and music sections are just alphabetized without any separations for teams/bands (which doesn't help with mononomous artists like k-pop stars who are tagged in the singlename_(band) format). I think it may be worth at least having a list of band/music group copyrights with member lists on their own respective wikis if we don't want to go too overboard like list of virtual youtubers ended up becoming (it was ultimately nuked for being way too long, pretty much having duplicate data for what was on each copyright's wiki page, and being borderline uneditable on weaker computers and phones due to the insane amount of dtext formatting causing heavy lag)

HeeroWingZero said:

...if we don't want to go too overboard like list of virtual youtubers ended up becoming (it was ultimately nuked for being way too long, pretty much having duplicate data for what was on each copyright's wiki page, and being borderline uneditable on weaker computers and phones due to the insane amount of dtext formatting causing heavy lag)

It wasn't just causing massive lag, the indie section in particular was becoming so stuffed that it was hitting the DText section limit, so if you tried to save your edit, it could just not go through, forcing you to split the section down and delaying the repeating of that. I will disagree on there being duplicate data for each copyright though, for the bigger/popular ones sure, but not all of them.

The main issue when it comes to these list pages comes down to the fact that you need to maintain upkeep for them, and more often than not, there is no upkeep for them (Heero's example of tag group:people being an example). So, the question becomes - if we were to make such a list, who'd work to not just keep it up to date, but feature all tags that should be present there? Because a random member-level user creating a band copytag won't go to check if there's a list mentioning if the band already has a tag, and no one's gonna care to update the list to add a random new tag. I imagine list of tagged songs is missing a lot of tags like that.

I agree with what's been said, in practice it'll probably turn into one of our three hundred other lists that no one takes the effort to maintain or barely acknowledges their existence anyway. As someone who stays relevant to music if we're having such a list I would take a look at it from time to time, and if we have good enough guidelines, maintenance is not completely impossible. It's fine even if we think it's not worth it in the end, my current objective is to get them out of tag group:audio tags cause that's not where they belong. Let's just try to answer two questions for the moment, what is this list's position regarding fictional artists (think bands and idol groups) and other types of real life artists/celebrities? IS it better to keep them separate or together?
