Currently there're a list of tagged bands under the band section of tag group:audio tags. I'm not so sure on their appropriateness in a tag group named "audio tags", it sounds more like a list for gentags rather than copy/char tags. At first I thought of moving them to list of music-related series, but soon realized that the former consists of mainly real life artists and doesn't fit on a list for "series". There're a list of singers in the audio tag group, a few vtubers that shouldn't be there, but mostly real life artists too. So this got me thinking, we could create a "list of musical artists". This will also allow us to include and differentiate idols groups, producers and utaites etc. Alternately, we can even make it "list of artists/celebrities" and include actors and even illustrators who have char tags.
How this affects fictional artists and vtubers are open for discussion, since there already are list of music-related series and list of virtual youtubers. And feel free to improve the name and concept of the list, they're just suggestions, the primary goal is just to get them out of the audio tag group since it's tag group after all, not a list.