
Girls' Frontline EN -> CN character aliases

Posted under Tags

BUR #17506 has been approved by @nonamethanks.


create alias m1895_(girls'_frontline) -> nagant_revolver_(girls'_frontline)
create alias fnp9_(girls'_frontline) -> fnp-9_(girls'_frontline)
create alias uspcompact_(girls'_frontline) -> usp_compact_(girls'_frontline)
create alias type92_(girls'_frontline) -> type_92_(girls'_frontline)
create alias astra_(girls'_frontline) -> astra_revolver_(girls'_frontline)
create alias g17_(girls'_frontline) -> glock_17_(girls'_frontline)
create alias type59_(girls'_frontline) -> type_59_(girls'_frontline)
create alias zip_.22_(girls'_frontline) -> zip.22_(girls'_frontline)
create alias grizzly_(girls'_frontline) -> grizzly_mkv_(girls'_frontline)
create alias m38_(girls'_frontline) -> beretta_model_38_(girls'_frontline)
create alias spectrem4_(girls'_frontline) -> spectre_m4_(girls'_frontline)
create alias type64_(girls'_frontline) -> type_64_(girls'_frontline)
create alias ingram_(girls'_frontline) -> mac-10_(girls'_frontline)
create alias k-pdw_(girls'_frontline) -> kac-pdw_(girls'_frontline)
create alias cf-05_(girls'_frontline) -> cf05_(girls'_frontline)
create alias vigneron_(girls'_frontline) -> vigneron_m2_(girls'_frontline)
create alias type79_(girls'_frontline) -> type_79_(girls'_frontline)
create alias 100_shiki_(girls'_frontline) -> type_100_(girls'_frontline)
create alias sr2_(girls'_frontline) -> sr-2_(girls'_frontline)
create alias sks_(girls'_frontline) -> simonov_(girls'_frontline)
create alias fn49_(girls'_frontline) -> fn-49_(girls'_frontline)
create alias vm59_(girls'_frontline) -> bm59_(girls'_frontline)
create alias type56r_(girls'_frontline) -> type_56_carbine_(girls'_frontline)
create alias type88_(girls'_frontline) -> hanyang_type_88_(girls'_frontline)
create alias type81r_(girls'_frontline) -> type_81_carbine_(girls'_frontline)
create alias 4_shiki_(girls'_frontline) -> type_4_(girls'_frontline)
create alias tfq_(girls'_frontline) -> tf-q_(girls'_frontline)
create alias lee_enfield_(girls'_frontline) -> lee-enfield_(girls'_frontline)
create alias model_99_(girls'_frontline) -> savage_99_(girls'_frontline)
create alias type63_(girls'_frontline) -> type_63_(girls'_frontline)
create alias type03_(girls'_frontline) -> type_03_(girls'_frontline)
create alias type56-1_(girls'_frontline) -> type_56-1_(girls'_frontline)
create alias fedorov_avtomat_(girls'_frontline) -> fedorov_(girls'_frontline)
create alias 416_(girls'_frontline) -> hk416_(girls'_frontline)
create alias type95_(girls'_frontline) -> type_95_(girls'_frontline)
create alias type97_(girls'_frontline) -> type_97_(girls'_frontline)
create alias amrfb_(girls'_frontline) -> rfb_(girls'_frontline)
create alias 64_shiki_(girls'_frontline) -> howa_type_64_(girls'_frontline)
create alias 89_shiki_(girls'_frontline) -> howa_type_89_(girls'_frontline)
create alias m249saw_(girls'_frontline) -> m249_saw_(girls'_frontline)
create alias mg23_(girls'_frontline) -> hk23_(girls'_frontline)
create alias 62_shiki_(girls'_frontline) -> type_62_(girls'_frontline)
create alias type80_(girls'_frontline) -> type_80_(girls'_frontline)
create alias hmg21_(girls'_frontline) -> hk21_(girls'_frontline)
create alias qjy-88_(girls'_frontline) -> type_88_(girls'_frontline)
create alias type97s_(girls'_frontline) -> type_97_shotgun_(girls'_frontline)
create alias pm5_(girls'_frontline) -> v-pm5_(girls'_frontline)
create alias super_nova_(girls'_frontline) -> nova_(girls'_frontline)
create alias super_nova_(streaking_meteor)_(girls'_frontline) -> nova_(streaking_meteor)_(girls'_frontline)
create alias ltlx7000_(girls'_frontline) -> ltlx_7000_(girls'_frontline)

This one's gonna require a bit of context. For the past half year, there's been discussion (topic #22974, topic #23042, topic #23671, topic #24169) when it comes to the chosen names for GFL's characters on Danbooru.

The decision made all the way back in topic #18673 (the Apostrophe tag update) was to lean towards what it was on CN/TW/KR originally (so we have HK416 as opposed to just 416, G11 as opposed to Gr G11, Type 100 as opposed to 100 Shiki, etc.), because EN names consist of a mix of accurate names (aligning with CN), slightly fudged names (to avoid copyright issues, ala the use of Gr on select H&K guns), or completely fudged names for understandable reasons ('Type XXX' is used for Chinese guns, so they had to use 'XXX Shiki' for Japanese guns, as one example).

This hasn't been without controversy, however, with select users advocating for the tags to be changed to fit EN, warts and all (excluding the added legal distinguishers). But the reality as presented above, and the precedent set with Artoria Pendragon (or Altria as she is known in English), have resulted in no change. Meanwhile, no one involved has been interested in pushing a EN -> CN BUR as I've presented here, despite how much utility it would bring, especially for those who have exclusively stuck with English-only resources.

While some of the characters whose names were changed for legal reasons are still easily searchable (you won't have any trouble getting results for G11, for example), others are far more radically different (Colt Revolver becoming SAA on EN, Nagant Revolver becoming M1895, or Type 88 becoming QJY-88 for example), which is why there have been aliases for them before, see topic #21940 and the previously mentioned topic #23671. In fact that last topic is a great example of why EN -> CN would be useful, because autocomplete can't find HK416 when you type out 416, only her Division collab counterpart Agent 416. In fact, the lack of spaces in character names, whether originally in CN or the result of EN, kind of fucks the autocomplete for several characters.

This BUR will only focus on base character names for now, largely consisting of names you won't be able to find via autocomplete (if they didn't cause any immediate issues, ex. SF!Scout and Steyr!Scout), with some exception. Vigneron M2 and Nova are getting changed now though because, after double-checking, the names were not actually consistent. If it gets approved, I or someone else can make a follow-up BUR for the skins if anyone in the BUR has them.


BUR #24319 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias boys_at_rifle_(girls'_frontline) -> boys_(girls'_frontline)
create alias 433_(girls'_frontline) -> hk433_(girls'_frontline)

Follow-up BUR, though not for skins, but rather to check in and see if there are any more cases like those above. In the roughly 9 months since, there have only really been two. Both are again related to autocomplete search issues. Because HK433's tag starts of HK and has no space, someone who only knows her English name of 433 wouldn't be able to search her. Meanwhile, someone searching for Boys with her EN server name, if they were to start typing boys_at, would only get recommended the Dover Boys.