I think aliasing this is needless. As it stands right now for GFL chartag names, we currently lean towards what it was on CN/TW/KR originally (so we have HK416 as opposed to just 416, G11 as opposed to Gr G11, Type 100 as opposed to 100 Shiki, etc.), a decision made back during the big Apostrophe tag update. The reason why is because EN names consist of a mix of accurate names (aligning with CN), slightly fudged names (to avoid copyright issues, ala the use of Gr on select H&K guns), or completely fudged names for understandable reasons ('Type XXX' is used for Chinese guns, so they had to use 'XXX Shiki' for Japanese guns, as one example).
Additionally, she isn't exclusively referred to as M1895 in-game either. Using the GFL Cutscene Interpreter, we can see that the only time she's exclusively referred to as "M1895" is in her own Neural Upgrade story. In her appearance in Midnight 3, she's almost exclusively referred to as just Nagant, and most in the community also generally just refer to her as Nagant, whether it be GamePress, the IOP Wiki, etc.
We do have precedent for aliasing the EN name to the existing chartag, such as in topic #21940, which aliased SAA to Colt Revolver; so I'd support a reverse alias.