post #9000000 GET!

Holding implications

Posted under Tags

BUR #25162 has been approved by @nonamethanks.


create implication holding_badge -> badge
create implication holding_barrel -> barrel
create implication holding_bass -> bass_guitar
create implication holding_bookmark -> bookmark
create implication holding_boxcutter -> holding
create implication holding_brain -> brain
create implication holding_chainsword -> chainsword
create implication holding_clock -> clock
create implication holding_clothes_hanger -> clothes_hanger
create implication holding_clothes_hanger -> holding
create implication holding_cotton_swab -> cotton_swab
create implication holding_cushion -> cushion
create implication holding_digimon -> digimon_(creature)
create implication holding_diploma -> diploma
create implication holding_dragon_ball -> dragon_ball_(object)
create implication holding_drawing -> drawing_(object)
create implication holding_drawing -> holding
create implication holding_fireworks -> holding
create implication holding_glass_shard -> glass_shard
create implication holding_glowstick -> glowstick
create implication holding_glowstick -> holding
create implication holding_golf_ball -> golf_ball
create implication holding_hourglass -> hourglass
create implication holding_ladder -> ladder
create implication holding_paint_roller -> paint_roller
create implication holding_painting -> painting_(object)
create implication holding_pinwheel -> pinwheel
create implication holding_pipette -> pipette
create implication holding_pliers -> pliers
create implication holding_plunger -> plunger
create implication holding_pokedex -> pokedex
create implication holding_puzzle_piece -> puzzle_piece
create implication holding_razor -> razor
create implication holding_razor_blade -> razor_blade
create implication holding_riding_crop -> holding
create implication holding_riding_crop -> riding_crop
create implication holding_rocket -> rocket
create implication holding_rolling_pin -> rolling_pin
create implication holding_shorts -> holding_clothes
create implication holding_shorts -> unworn_shorts
create implication holding_ski_pole -> ski_pole
create implication holding_snowball -> holding
create implication holding_snowball -> snowball
create implication holding_spork -> holding
create implication holding_spork -> spork
create implication holding_stone_tablet -> stone_tablet
create implication holding_thermos -> thermos
create implication holding_tiered_tray -> tiered_tray
create implication holding_trombone -> trombone
create implication holding_walkie-talkie -> holding
create implication holding_yarn -> yarn

create implication holding_harp -> harp

Harp is frequently misused and in need of gardening. Stringed instruments with a U-shaped frame, such as in post #7470106, post #7421634, and post #7419483 are lyres, not harps.

While smaller harps played in the lap do exist, the majority of instruments correctly tagged harp (such as post #7429400) are of the modern concert harp type, which is a very large instrument. They rest on the floor and the player does not support its weight, only touching with their hands to pluck the strings. One doesn't "hold" it to play it any more than someone playing a piano is "holding the piano". Thus holding harp has limited applicability when harp is used correctly.

Arcana55 said:

Harp is frequently misused and in need of gardening. Stringed instruments with a U-shaped frame, such as in post #7470106, post #7421634, and post #7419483 are lyres, not harps.

While smaller harps played in the lap do exist, the majority of instruments correctly tagged harp (such as post #7429400) are of the modern concert harp type, which is a very large instrument. They rest on the floor and the player does not support its weight, only touching with their hands to pluck the strings. One doesn't "hold" it to play it any more than someone playing a piano is "holding the piano". Thus holding harp has limited applicability when harp is used correctly.

imply holding_harp -> harp removed for now. There are only 12 results so it doesn't seem like that much of a concern but I am not knowledgeable enough about isntruments to tell them apart if they look so similar.

World_Funeral said:

Nope, holding tie is rather ambiguous and being used randomly. Please see topic #27090.
An admin should've removed all the lines containing holding_* tags marked ambiguous, including holding carton.

The fuck, this was the combed clean version of the previous two with all the ones that had issues removed, including holding necktie (holding carton was kept to only imply holding). I went through all of this in an excel spreadsheet I don't know how I missed necktie. Thanks for unintentionally telling me.

Either way the necktie related ones are removed now.

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