dosu_(doseven) recent work are sus. Especially those two ( NSFW post #7886833 and post #7941676 )
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dosu_(doseven) recent work are sus. Especially those two ( NSFW post #7886833 and post #7941676 )
Ashaci said:
the face and the fingers are a mess giving me AI vibe but maybe just an error and I was misread on the twitter
Well, I was wondering what was going on too because on the artist page it says "AI学習禁止" which I guess can be translated to "AI learning prohibited", anyway, I'm glad nothing is wrong with these posts then !
Knowledge_Seeker said:
post #7939416 - split right shoulder, broken hairband, right wristcuff melting into fishnet
post #7939404 - harder to tell with this one but the right hand sticks out as manually edited and out of place on what is probably otherwise just raw AI rendering
post #7939398 - broken hairband, her hair just cuts off, jarring rendering style shift between the head and torso
post #7939389 - melting fingers as the flagger pointed out, two collarbones, panty frills disappear under her hand, random noise between the same hand and thigh
The compositions resemble their past works, so I think they may be using AI to render their sketches, but those artefacts are too much.
Edit: There's base sketches on their account, so definitely img2img. See and post #7939382
What do you guys think of post #7945670 ? The end of the right twintail that comes from outside the frame looks odd since the right twintail goes left, behind the body.
Thumb, skin shading, just in general looks worse than their other works but this isn't definitive.
I suspect artist ateoyh may have started doing ai-assisted work. I have their fanbox so I can see it more clearly from the full-res pics, but for example in post #7928124 (NSFW) if you pull up the contrast in any image manipulation software you'll see noise resembling AI noise on the skin, but not on the hair, tail, and clothes, suggesting they may have painted on top of an AI base.
1123581321345589144 said:
Thumb, skin shading, just in general looks worse than their other works but this isn't definitive.
Yeah the hair highlights and the eyes are suspicious
VR-Man said:
Would say its likely to be AI, ornament abuse especially makes it likely.
Knowledge_Seeker said:
No way to confirm it, suspect artist and commentary but I cant find any obvious glaring issue.
muneyuki looks to be AI. A total change in artstyle following a total nuke of their old work into one of the major AI styles. All their work shows clear signs of editing notably in the hands and hair, especially when grabbing something.
post #6172277, for example. Her ear fluff and hair are partially blended together, the the left side hands are improper grips, etc.
Veraducks said:
muneyuki looks to be AI. A total change in artstyle following a total nuke of their old work into one of the major AI styles. All their work shows clear signs of editing notably in the hands and hair, especially when grabbing something.
post #6172277, for example. Her ear fluff and hair are partially blended together, the the left side hands are improper grips, etc.
The post you linked and some random recent post looks like straight up AI output.
I know that some of his posts are already tagged as ai-assisted, but there have been accusations levelled at bion_(insomn_bion) that he paints over AI-generated pictures and that most if not all of his work is done this way. I don't know if this merits going through his work and tagging more or even all of it with AI-assisted or what. Again, assuming these accusations are valid in the first place, but the fact that Bion keeps deleting/privating accounts when this is brought up doesn't look super great for him. is what I'm referencing in this instance, although there have been other people calling him on it too.
I suspect Auguste is using AI.
This post #7949737 for example, does not look like the character in question at all. Wrong eye/hair color, wrong volume/length of ponytail and the fang never appeared in the anime at all.
In post #7702211, the flat piece of shadow in her right armpit, the weird shadow around her left hip/thigh makes no sense.
Krul's eyes in post #7462546 has a green and blue tint that isn't present in the original character design. Her right armpit's shadow is too bright, whereas immediately right next to it the shadow's darkness seems adequate. Note that this two regions are separated by a strand of hair.
In post #7508072 the shadows in her right hand seems very typical of AI shading, and there is a light patch when the whole area should be in shadow. Her left palm also has her hair color, even when it should be in shadow.
Even accounting for honest mistakes/original alternate costumes etc, some of these mistakes are terribly sus.