
Yu-Gi-Oh! duel monsters variant implications

Posted under Tags

BUR #11392 has been approved by @evazion.


create implication dogmatika_ecclesia_the_virtuous -> ecclesia_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication incredible_ecclesia_the_virtuous -> ecclesia_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication red_cartesia_the_virtuous -> ecclesia_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication dogmatika_fleurdelis_the_knighted -> fleurdelis_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication the_iris_swordsoul -> fleurdelis_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication live_twin_ki-sikil -> ki-sikil_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication evil_twin_ki-sikil -> ki-sikil_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication live_twin_lil-la -> lil-la_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication evil_twin_lil-la -> lil-la_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication crowned_by_the_world_chalice -> ib_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication ib_the_world_chalice_priestess -> ib_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication knightmare_corruptor_iblee -> ib_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication galatea_the_orcust_automaton -> ib_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication ib_the_world_chalice_justiciar -> ib_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication lady_of_the_labrynth -> labrynth_of_the_silver_castle
create implication witchcrafter_madame_verre -> rilliona_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication rilliona_the_magistus_of_verre -> rilliona_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication aleister_the_invoker -> aleister_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication crowley_the_magistus_of_grimoires -> aleister_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication harpie_lady_1 -> harpie_lady
create implication cyber_harpie_lady -> harpie_lady
create implication cyber_slash_harpie_lady -> harpie_lady
create implication endymion_the_mighty_master_of_magic -> endymion_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication endymion_the_magistus_of_mastery -> endymion_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication endymion_the_master_magician -> endymion_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication el_shaddoll_winda -> winda_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication winda_priestess_of_gusto -> winda_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication spiritual_beast_tamer_winda -> winda_(yu-gi-oh!)
rename endymion -> endymion_(sailor_moon)

There are several duel monster in Yu-Gi-Oh! that have different versions of themselves. As many of these monsters were from a certain archtypical storylines and represents their altered forms, I think they should be grouped together under an umbrella tag (similar to Fate characters).

These are some of the characters I can think of, and I can't decide whether to imply the "transformed" variant of the character with an umbrella tag (i.e various Blue-eyes variants or Dragonmaid monsters).

Edit: There is a character called Endymion from Sailor Moon who doesn't have any identifier, so I think his tag should be renamed to avoid confusion with the Endymion from YGO.


There are Winda, Ariel, Reeze, Emilia, Wen, the Charmers... The list goes on. Except for the last named, they're only from Duel Terminal.

TrueKringe said:

I can't decide whether to imply the "transformed" variant of the character with an umbrella tag (i.e various Blue-eyes variants or Dragonmaid monsters).

I don't support this, at least for Dragonmaid. I'd rather keep them separate without umbrella tag.

BUR #11472 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias labrynth_of_the_silver_castle -> lovely_labrynth_of_the_silver_castle
create alias labrynth_servant_arianna -> arianna_the_labrynth_servant
create alias labrynth_servant_arianne -> arianne_the_labrynth_servant
create implication upstart_goblin -> goblin_of_greed
create implication beckoned_by_the_world_chalice -> ningirsu_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication longirsu_the_orcust_orchestrator -> ningirsu_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication girsu_the_orcust_mekk-knight -> ningirsu_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication toon_dark_magician_girl -> dark_magician_girl
create implication dark_magician_girl_the_dragon_knight -> dark_magician_girl

Additional tag to be implicated.

The first three tags is an alias for three Labrynth monsters, as their current tag uses OCG name before their TCG name were announced, I think the TCG name should have been added as an alias.

The other implication request is same as the previous request, an implication of the alternate forms of the monsters.

TrueKringe said:

BUR #11472 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias labrynth_of_the_silver_castle -> lovely_labrynth_of_the_silver_castle
create alias labrynth_servant_arianna -> arianna_the_labrynth_servant
create alias labrynth_servant_arianne -> arianne_the_labrynth_servant
create implication upstart_goblin -> goblin_of_greed
create implication beckoned_by_the_world_chalice -> ningirsu_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication longirsu_the_orcust_orchestrator -> ningirsu_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication girsu_the_orcust_mekk-knight -> ningirsu_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication toon_dark_magician_girl -> dark_magician_girl
create implication dark_magician_girl_the_dragon_knight -> dark_magician_girl

Additional tag to be implicated.

The first three tags is an alias for three Labrynth monsters, as their current tag uses OCG name before their TCG name were announced, I think the TCG name should have been added as an alias.

The other implication request is same as the previous request, an implication of the alternate forms of the monsters.

The alias should be OCG -> TCG name.

BUR #11592 has been approved by @evazion.


create implication ariel_priestess_of_the_nekroz -> ariel_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication gishki_ariel -> ariel_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication evigishki_mind_augus -> ariel_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication el_shaddoll_apkallone -> ariel_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication gishki_emilia -> emilia_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication dance_princess_of_the_nekroz -> emilia_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication nekroz_of_gungnir -> emilia_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication nekroz_of_sophia -> emilia_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication evigishki_gustkraken -> emilia_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication wynn_the_wind_charmer -> wynn_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication familiar-possessed_-_wynn -> wynn_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication wynn_the_wind_channeler -> wynn_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication wynn_the_wind_charmer_verdant -> wynn_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication aussa_the_earth_charmer -> aussa_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication familiar-possessed_-_aussa -> aussa_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication aussa_the_earth_channeler -> aussa_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication aussa_the_earth_charmer_immovable -> aussa_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication hiita_the_fire_charmer -> hiita_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication familiar-possessed_-_hiita -> hiita_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication hiita_the_fire_charmer_ablaze -> hiita_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication eria_the_water_charmer -> eria_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication eria_the_water_charmer_gentle -> eria_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication familiar-possessed_-_eria -> eria_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication lyna_the_light_charmer -> lyna_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication familiar-possessed_-_lyna -> lyna_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication dharc_the_dark_charmer -> dharc_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication dharc_the_dark_charmer_gloomy -> dharc_(yu-gi-oh!)

more yugioh variant implications.
most of the time the original form was already being tagged on all of them anyways as an umbrella tag.
Not sure about apkallone implication since it's a corrupted version of mind augus rather than ariel directly.

TrueKringe said:

BUR #11945 has been rejected.

create implication witchcrafter_genni -> genni_(yu-gi-oh!)
create implication servant_of_endymion -> genni_(yu-gi-oh!)

Servant of Endymion and Witchcrafter Genni are the same person in different forms. Also, I think the post in "Servant of Endymion" needs some cleanup since many people mistagged some post of Genni in her Witchcrafter form (the maskless one) with "Servant of Endymion" tag.

I don't see a single picture of servant of Endymion under the servant of Endymion tag and it looks like it was mostly just 1 person tagging it or people tagging it because it auto filled in. I don't think this is necessary unless there's actually a picture of servant of endymion on the site.

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