gishki emilia
Daughter of Gishki Noellia in the Duel Terminal storyline. Turned into a spirit by her mother's rituals. Her body was turned into Evigishki Ghastkraken and her spirit turned into Evigishki Merrowgeist. Both were absorbed by Vylon Disigma. In an attempt at gettting her back, Gishki Avance attempted a ritual with the Photomirror, but that backfired, turning them into Evigishki Levianima. Noellia reversed the spell and gave up her life force in order to resurrect her daughter. Somehow alive, Noellia sacrificed herself to stop Evigishki Zielgigas.
After the war, Emilia and Avance formed the Nekroz tribe, with Shurit as their son.
See also
This tag implicates emilia_(yu-gi-oh!) (learn more).