
[Arknights] Costume implications

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Username_Hidden said:

Does Ambience Synesthesia have any reason to exist? Isn't it better to make *_(ambience_synesthesia) outfit tags?

For this kind of derivative concert events, they usually get a copyright tag. Not sure about this one but I’ve seen posts of other copyrights referring to the event without referring to the outfits. And from what I know some Ambience Synesthesia outfits are implemented in game, and for those they’ll use the in game name as qualifier. So it wouldn’t be very consistent to use both rules. Plus some characters has received more than one outfit since it’s an annual event.

Though I wouldn’t mind if we were to start tagging all the outfits, but ambience synesthesia should be kept.

magcolo said:

Plus some characters has received more than one outfit since it’s an annual event.

If the list of skins on Ambience Synesthesia is full and correct, then the only character who received multiple AS outfits is Amiya.
If I had to look for only one of them, I'd prefer not to have to pick them out manually from amiya_(arknights) ambience_synesthesia and have them already tagged either by year (2021/2022) or motif (Classical/Dreamland) instead.

Other than that, I agree that ambience synesthesia tag should be kept.

My main concern when the second batch of AS costumes was unveiled was that it would be harder to distinguish the two for Amiya. Right now you can get pretty accurate results by searching AS + character name (doubt it will be common to draw one char in AS attire and another not, except maybe chars that don't have one), except for Amiya where it's a toss between the two outfits. Granted, amiya_(arknights) ambience_synesthesia only has around three pages of results so I figured it probably wasn't necessary which is why I left that note in the wiki page instead of creating new tags for them.

I'm not really a fan of tagging by year, and I dunno if by motif is much better (they could re-use them in the future). We already have some character tags that aren't skins (female tourist c for example), so it wouldn't be a huge stretch I guess.

Semi-related, but I noticed people are tagging Amiya's summer skin as female tourist a when that was was supposed to be for this cat. If we are just going to make skins for non-playable skins as well no matter what then I guess summer Amiya, summer Blaze, new Tomimi etc. should also get them.

hdk5 said:

If the list of skins on Ambience Synesthesia is full and correct, then the only character who received multiple AS outfits is Amiya.
If I had to look for only one of them, I'd prefer not to have to pick them out manually from amiya_(arknights) ambience_synesthesia and have them already tagged either by year (2021/2022) or motif (Classical/Dreamland) instead.

Could be named by song name, something like siege (manifesto) for example.

Talulah said:

Semi-related, but I noticed people are tagging Amiya's summer skin as female tourist a when that was was supposed to be for this cat. If we are just going to make skins for non-playable skins as well no matter what then I guess summer Amiya, summer Blaze, new Tomimi etc. should also get them.

I'm strongly in favour of this, unnamed outfits like tomimi's are hard to search.

BUR #15946 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias frostleaf_(break_the_ice)_(arknights) -> frostleaf_(breaking_the_ice)_(arknights)

Not entirely sure about this one.

It is called "Break the Ice" on promo materials (including EN):
CN -破冰-霜叶
JP -
EN -

But, it's in-game name on EN is "Breaking the Ice", and EN tweet text also mentions it like that.

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