BUR #34528 has been rejected.
create implication girls'_frontline -> reverse_collapse_(series)
create implication girls'_frontline_neural_cloud -> reverse_collapse_(series)
create implication girls'_frontline_2:_exilium -> reverse_collapse_(series)
create implication girls'_frontline_glitch_land -> reverse_collapse_(series)
create implication codename:_bakery_girl -> reverse_collapse_(series)
create alias girls'_frontline_(series) -> reverse_collapse_(series)
create alias reverse_collapse:_code_name_bakery -> codename:_bakery_girl
I'm going to shoot my shot again for my Reverse Collapse (series) solution again here, because in the three years since, my stance has been affirmed greatly.
As an update, in the time since the previous BUR, Neural Cloud released internationall, Girls' Frontline 2 released in China, Bakery Girl's rename, "Reverse Collapse: Codename Bakery" finally released, and Girls' Frontline 2 made its international debut. The GFL1 spoiler I had brought up three years ago holds true, and an event this year in the game honed in on what happened after that instance of Reverse Collapse, in the form of the event 'Cartesian Theatre'. Lore elements introduced in GFL were ported back to Bakery Girl's remake, just as GFL had taken from Bakery Girl (most notably in what is essentially the franchise's overarching individual villain, William). With GFL2 set in 2074, anticipation exists on more lore elements being introduced from Bakery Girl as the game's story progresses (as GFL1 spanned from 2062 to 2064), whether it be the return of William, or the re-emergence of the Antarctic Hollow City in 2075, or the launch of the Three Goddesses project and the formation of the Antarctic Union in 2078. The anticipation is so high that characters being shown off for an event rework got compared to the protags of Bakery Girl.
On the post front, looking at things since July, Girls' Frontline has been flucuating between 80 and 220 posts, with an average of around 150 posts. Isolating it to just Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, it's only since the server's EN release back on the 3rd that uploads have started rising significantly, with a current high of 70. Girls' Frontline Neural Cloud, the lesser-played spinoff, gets few uploads, generally hovering around 5 to 20 uploads (with GFL2 resembling that prior to its EN release). And Bakery Girl is not actually a gacha, but a purchaseable strategy RPG, so it doesn't have any regular uploads like the previous three. If GFL2's tempo keeps up, then it would begin consituting a significant portion of Girls' Frontline's posts, so there's a very clear necessity to separate it out so that people can use that tag for stuff specifically relating the original GFL.
So with the potential need for an actual series tag arising with GFL2's Global release, and the increasing lore interconnectivity between the GFL games and Bakery Girl, it just makes sense in my eyes to use Reverse Collapse as the series tag name. However, to ease users into it, making the alternate proposal of girls'_frontline_(series)
a utility alias for Reverse Collapse just makes sense (and additionally, a utility alias for Bakery Girl using the remake's name).