
Imply Sleeveless Sweater to Sleeveless + Sweater

Posted under Tags

evazion said:

This tag seems redundant with sleeveless turtleneck. Of course you could conceivably have a sleeveless sweater that isn't a turtleneck, but I'm not seeing any actual examples of that under the tag.

There is sweater vest (usually not a turtleneck), though oddly examples under sweater vest don't seem to get tagged sweater or sleeveless.

There are also some sleeveless turtlenecks that aren't sweaters. Odd-looking shirts and tops, principally. sleeveless_turtleneck sleeveless_shirt has some examples, though it is a mess with halternecks and untagged sweaters also thrown in.

Thin clothing with the ribbed sweater appearance seem to cause taggers extra problems, especially when worn without any other upper garments. As an example, tagging for GBF's Clarisse's upper garment is all over the place, with sleeveless turtleneck, sleeveless sweater, sleeveless shirt all being used (sometimes multiple on one post). Even halterneck gets thrown in sometimes. Part of it is due to the artstyle; artists sometimes draw it as more sweater-like or shirt-like.

(Though, if we were to go for consistent tagging of Clarisse's default upper garment... best to consider all of them "sleeveless turtleneck sweaters" regardless of apparent thickness, I guess.)


That said, I'm not opposed to a potential sleeveless sweater -> sleeveless turtleneck alias, though the above 'odd cases' (especially the sweater vests) have to be clarified and gardened somehow.