post #9000000 GET!

Machine translation vandalism

Posted under General

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Lobuttomize said:

"DO NOT EFFIN USE MTLS." very polite and well-meaning of you. Good way to politely ask me to stop after deleting 4 hours of my work based on a non-existent rule. Note that this is the very first comment of the whole thing

You opened this thread, IE the first exposure a vast majority of the site will have to your spat with him, by calling him a dickhead. And then calling Unb, a mod, retarded when he didn't agree with you.

NNescio said:

Still not a valid flag reason as per current Danbooru practices.

But if you want to discuss this, and perhaps advocate a change in our policy... make another thread.

No skin off my back if breaking copyright law isn't flaggable by danbooru

Veradux said:

You opened this thread, IE the first exposure a vast majority of the site will have to your spat with him, by calling him a dickhead. And then calling Unb, a mod, retarded when he didn't agree with you.

I called the idea that leaving a translation empty is better than trying a high-effort machine translation retarded. Notice I say "It's retarded," most people don't use "It" to refer to a person they're speaking to

Lobuttomize said:

No skin off my back if breaking copyright law isn't flaggable by danbooru

You have an issue with how I handled your notes, fine. But please don't turn this into a soapbox for your other issues with how this site is ran. Make another thread for that.

NNescio said:

You have an issue with how I handled your notes, fine. But please don't turn this into a soapbox for your other issues with how this site is ran. Make another thread for that.

The issue is you abusing your power and deleting even the correct notes so it's well in line with talking about poor moderation. Bet it made you feel real nice to undo 4+ hours of my genuine hard work because I undeleted the notes because I didn't think your logic of "DO NOT EFFIN USE MTLS." was stated in the rules

Lobuttomize said:

I called the idea that leaving a translation empty is better than trying a high-effort machine translation retarded. Notice I say "It's retarded," most people don't use "It" to refer to a person they're speaking to

Notice that you follow with "that you think", converting the "it" into a directed statement.

Anyway, I'm done here. You obviously have no interest in improving and only care about being "right". You proved that by demanding mods go after someone who disagreed with you and then attacking mods for telling you no.

Veradux said:

Notice that you follow with "that you think", converting the "it" into a directed statement.

Anyway, I'm done here. You obviously have no interest in improving and only care about being "right". You proved that by demanding mods go after someone who disagreed with you and then attacking mods for telling you no.

You don't understand sentence structure if you're genuinely trying to claim I called a mod retarded. I wanted mods to go after someone who undid hours of my work because he disagreed with me

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